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Applications for 21st annual Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics

Students interested in attending the 21st annual Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics (NCUWM) on January 25-27, 2019, must complete an application online between October 2 and October 9, 2018. No new applications will be accepted after October 9. Selection of participants will be done according to the policies posted on our website:

We are pleased to announce that the 2019 conference will feature three distinguished plenary speakers:

Dr. Christine Darden, NASA Langley Research Center, retired member of Senior Executive Service and featured in the “Hidden Figures” book

Dr. Zhilan Feng, Purdue University, professor of mathematics, mathematical biology

Dr. Margaret Holen, Goldman Sachs, retired partner, and Princeton University, lecturer, operations research & financial engineering

Read their biographies

The conference is open to outstanding undergraduate women mathematicians at all stages of their careers. Students will have the opportunity to meet other women who share their interest in the mathematical sciences, and those who already have done research will be given an opportunity to present their results. NCUWM’s overall goal is to arm participants with knowledge, self-confidence and a network of peers to help them become successful mathematicians. We do this by providing role models, insider knowledge and an opportunity to present original research. Our focus is to encourage and mentor undergraduate women to pursue graduate study in mathematics and seek mathematical careers. Conference participants also will have a chance to learn about life in graduate school from the perspective of current women graduate students representing math departments from across the country. Attached is a flyer advertising the conference and the open application period.

Poster Attached