Mathematics-Opportunities in Research and Education (MORE 2019)
Applications are invited for MORE: Mathematics – Opportunities in Research and Education, a new, annual workshop for undergraduates which takes place October 26-27, 2019, at Virginia Tech.
MORE specifically targets and prioritizes the participation of first-generation college students and members of under-represented groups in the mathematical sciences to provide participants strength in numbers to mobilize their collective promise. We ask that you reach out to students at your institution to encourage them to apply. Travel support is available, thanks to NSF and NSA support. For additional information and the application, see
This year we are delighted to host Dr. Michael Young and Dr. Brandilyn Stigler who will give plenary talks. In addition, MORE provides an active workshop format that engages students in highly relevant mathematics tied to applications that address societal needs. The conference program will also feature panel sessions, roundtable discussions, breakout sessions, and teambuilding activities. Students at any stage of their undergraduate career are invited to apply.
See attached flyer.
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