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Office of Undergraduate Research Announcements and Updates (9/9/2022)

Below are some announcements, reminders, and deadlines that the OUR would like to share. 

OUR Events and Reminders

  • Fall Sidewalk Symposium will be held September 28 from 11:00-1:00. Demonstrate your creative side, practice presenting your work (finished or in progress), and/or come to view the research art! You can represent summer research, new research, research in progress, etc. Submit using this survey through September 16. Students from all disciplines are welcome! Sidewalk is a great way to “test run” a presentation or project and/or gain feedback on a project! If you would like to present but cannot attend both full hours, please let us know. Visitors – come view the art and ask participants about their research!
  • Spring Research Award Proposals will open on September 12 and close on November 14. Please carefully review the information on the OUR funding page, use all templates provided, and follow provided instructions. Don’t forget to work closely with your mentor! The OUR will provide help sessions for proposals – help sessions have been shown to increase review scores and chances of funding; you can find dates and times on the funding page. Students from all disciplines are welcome!
  • The OUR Fall seminar series, with professional development and research-related topics, will include seven total sessions. You can view the most current list of topics, days, and times at this link. You can also register at the link; remember, you can add choices at any time during the semester. Everyone is welcome–current researchers, students interested in research, and those who aren’t sure about research!
  • Federal Work Study Research Assistant applicationsare open for AY22-23. You can read more about requirements and expectations on the OUR FWS page. Students must apply to be considered for placement using this form (check your eligibility prior to applying). You must complete the application in full to be considered. Priority consideration for applications completed by September 16.
  • The State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium (SNCURCS) will be held on Saturday, December 3 (please note earlier emails identified the incorrect date) at UNC Wilmington. Abstracts are due October 26. More info/website will be provided soon. Sophomores are encouraged to consider applying for a Barthalmus Award (due November 2).
  • The National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) will be held April 13-15, 2023 at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Abstracts are due by November 30. More information here. The OUR is here to help! Reach out to the OUR if you might be considering NCUR as a conference option.
  • Accepted to present your research somewhere? The OUR provides travel awards to help mitigate costs of going to a conference or discipline-related event. Make sure to read requirements and submit all necessary information. Travel awards are accepted throughout the year.
  • Curious about research more generally, specific topics in research, research-related professional development, etc.? Come talk to us! Meet with OUR staff and student research ambassadors; check out this site to see when we’re available.

Other Events and Reminders

  • The TRIO Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program is accepting applications through October 6. Find more information here. Interested in learning more prior to applying? Register for an information session here.
  • The Black Doctoral Network is accepting submission for undergraduate research posters through September 23. Find more information here.
  • The Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference for Undergraduate Scholarship (MARCUS) will be held on October 22. Submit by September 29. Find more information here.
  • The Joint School and Nanoscience and Nanoengineering Undergraduate Research Symposium will be held on October 15. Submit by September 19. Find more information here.

Happy researching!