OUR Fall Seminars begin next week. Seminars are open to all students from all disciplines – those just starting research, those currently involved in research, or those who would like to learn more about research-related topics. Review the link to find titles, descriptions, days, times, and more information about the Fall 2023 offerings. This semester we have a number of science communication-related seminars; join us!
Curious about how the University Libraries can support your research (or you as a student)? Want to have an introduction to all of the neat resources at the Libraries? Join us on September 14 to learn more about how to Maximize the Library as an Undergraduate Researcher. See Seminars link in the point above to submit your intent to attend.
OUR Award Proposal Help Sessions will start at the end of September. Students wishing to apply for a Spring (or later) OUR Project Award must attend a help session before applying in order for their submissions to be considered.
Are you a student who isn’t sure where to start your research journey? Check out our Getting Started tab, including ideas and abstract books on the Getting Started homepage. The abstract books are a great way to see what students have done (~1,400 projects in the last four Symposia), review potential mentors and projects, and/or be exposed to new disciplines and topics. You can also meet with us; schedule via Navigate.
OUR supported FWS RA applications are open until September 29 (or until position allotments are filled). Students must be eligible for financial aid to apply, and can apply with or without a mentor in mind. Make sure to complete the survey in its entirety or your application will not be considered. Review the site for requirements and additional information.
For faculty, staff, post-docs, and approved graduate students wishing to be mentors, let us know! If you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. For graduate students, mentoring will be included in the Teaching Certificate offered by the Graduate School in the upcoming year; watch for more information!
Due to budget constraints, the OUR is currently unable to support Travel Awards. These awards will be on hold until further notice. We are happy to help students find funding support within their departments/colleges, organizations hosting events, or additional outside funding.
(updated) The State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium (SNCURCS) will be held November 11 and hosted by Wingate University and South Piedmont Community College. Submissions are due by October 10 at 11:59pm.
Additional Research News
The University Libraries host a number of workshops throughout the year. You can register for data visualization workshops, research workshops, and more. Check out the full list of offerings here. For more Libraries assistance, check out our Maximizing the Libraries seminar (see seminar link in section above) or reach chat/reach out to the Libraries.
Arcadia Abroad will be at NCSU on October 5 to discuss study/research abroad opportunities. The STEM Summer Research Info Session will be October 5 at 6:30pm in Talley Room 3223. Find more information here. While the info session is geared towards STEM opportunities, Arcadia also offers opportunities for humanities, social sciences, media & communications, visual and performing arts, and business – visit them at the Study Abroad fair on October 5.
The Program Evaluation and Education Research (PEER) Internship Program for undergraduate research is accepting applications for interns. If you’re a student interested in the field of education, consider applying; find additional information on the site.
NCUR 2024 will occur in April 2024 and will be hosted by California State University – Long Beach. Applications open September 15 and are due December 8; start considering your submission! The OUR will support students traveling to NCUR up to $700.
The Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference for Undergraduate Research (MARCUS) will be held on November 4 at Randolph College. Submissions are due by October 6.
The Emerging Researchers National Conference will be held March 14-16 in Washington, DC. Students who have participated in NSF programs or other identified programs are encouraged to apply by September 22. Requests for Travel Awards through the ERNC are also due by September 22.
(new) Sandia National Labs’ Critical Skills Recruiting Program is seeking applications through September 21. Students in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Cybersecurity, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering with the intent to attend Graduate School can review more information here.