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Keep Teaching Resources

Keep Teaching Resources – General Information

For first line information, remember to check the university’s Coronavirus response page and Keep Teaching.

If you feel lost in how to continue to deliver your classes in an online format, please ask for help at This is the IT help request page, but we are now also using it for academic continuity purposes. We need to know now if you are struggling.

There are many resources available from the MATH IT website which include requesting equipment, getting help for continuity, and more.

What do I need to know to work remotely?

Math resources for continuity planning (PDF)

Testing Options And Recommendations (PDF)

Options For Running Class (PDF) Using Zoom (PDF)

Adding security to Zoom

Collecting And Grading HW In Moodle (PDF)

Delta Testing Services

Division of Academic and Student Affairs Keep Teaching Page

Options For Recording Lectures

Turning your phone into a Doc Cam

Academic Integrity in the Online Environment

Continuing Accommodations

Delta Learntech Help Desk

University Resources

Connectivity for students who don’t have it

  • FCC agreement stating that providers will waive late fees, not cutoff service for lack of payment, and open hot-spots.
  • Comcast COVID-19 response: offers free WiFi for 2 months to low income families plus all Xfinity hot-spots are free to the public during this time
  • Charter Free Internet offer for 2 months
  • AT&T COVID-19 response: offers open hot-spots, unlimited data to existing customers, and $10/month plans to low income families
  • Verizon COVID-19 response: no special offers, but following the FCC agreement.
  • Sprint COVID-19 response: follows FCC agreement, provides unlimited data to existing customers, and, starting Tuesday, 3/17/2020, will allow all handsets to enable hot-spots for 60 days at no extra charge
  • T-Mobile COVID-19 response: follows FCC agreement, plus unlimited data to existing customers, and, coming soon, will allow all handsets to enable hot-spots for 60 days at no extra charge (I expect others will follow).

Frequently Asked Questions

  • You will need a laptop, tablet, home computer, or smart phone. *If not included in your device, a separate webcam or microphone.*
  • Reliable Internet access
  • A quiet spot to record and or stream. If you need to borrow equipment, please make the request through Math IT. Learn more about working remotely.
  • We do have online lecture videos for a number of courses (in particular MA 103, 107, 111, 114, 131, 141, 241, 242, 341, 405). The priority right now is on classes where videos do not exist. If you are teaching a class where videos do exist, we may not be able to support your requests for devices or room reservations to use lecture recording equipment.
    If you are teaching a course with videos that have already been recorded, we strongly advise you to make use of these by putting together a schedule for your students of which videos to start with and how to pace the material. Course coordinators should be in touch with instructors of these classes to help with accessing the videos. For MA 141, 241, and 242 links to these lectures are already available under ‘Resources’ in WebAssign for you and your students.
  • We are waiting for further information from the university on testing options. For now, consider whether you can manage with unproctored tests. Tests posted as ‘assignments’ in moodle can be released at a certain day/time and then due a set amount of time later. You would need to extend the time limit for students with DRO accommodations. Setting a time limit will cut down on the time students could use to consult with each other and the internet, but this is not an ideal solution.For submitting work, students would need to scan/take pictures of their work to upload in moodle and submit. (Here are some instructions on doing this with an iOS device like an iPhone.) You might want to have a practice run, making sure they know how to turn their writing into a document. Building some extra time into the test ‘assignment’ for this could be useful. You would likely want to hide certain resources on your class moodle page or website during the testing window.