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Applied Mathematics Graduate Student Seminar: James Garrison, NC State, Randomized Preconditioned Cholesky-QR in Mixed Precision

SAS 4201

We analyze a randomized preconditioned Cholesky-QR algorithm for computing the thin QR factorization of real matrices with full rank. Using a perturbation analysis that is transparent and identifies clearly all factors that contribute to error amplification, we identify steps of the algorithm that can be performed in lower precision while maintaining accuracy. The numerical experiments…

Geometry and Topology Seminar: Eric Hanson, NC State, Topological data analysis via relative homological algebra

SAS 4201

One of the main approaches to topological data analysis is to study discrete invariants of (multiparameter) persistence modules. In this talk, we discuss recent research which utilizes techniques from (relative) homological algebra to interpret classical examples of invariants and define new invariants. The Hilbert function and (generalizations of) the rank invariant serve as our main…

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Nick Mayers, NC State, The quantum k-Bruhat order

SAS 4201

Finding combinatorial interpretations for the structure constants of Schubert polynomials is a long-standing open problem in algebraic combinatorics. In the case where one of the Schubert polynomials is a Schur polynomial, the structure constants are encoded in a poset called the “k-Bruhat order”. In studying the k-Bruhat order, Bergeron and Sottile were led to introduce…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Jone Apraiz, Universidad del País Vasco, Inverse problem for a one-dimensional fluid-solid interaction model


In this talk we will first briefly review some geometric inverse problems we have studied for the one-dimensional heat, wave and Burgers equations. Then, we will consider a one-dimensional fluid-solid interaction model governed by the Burgers equation with a time varying interface. This is a preliminary simplified version of other more complicate and more realistic…

Computational and Applied Mathematics: Isaac Harris, Purdue University, Transmission Eigenvalue Problems for a Scatterer with a Conductive Boundary

SAS 4201

In this talk, we will investigate the acoustic transmission eigenvalue problem associated with an inhomogeneous media with a conductive boundary. These are a new class of eigenvalue problems that are not elliptic, not self-adjoint, and nonlinear, which gives the possibility of complex eigenvalues. The talk will consider the case of an Isotropic and Anisotropic scatterer.…

Colloquium: Bojko Bakalov, NC State, Dynamical Lie algebras

SAS 4201

Quantum computers are physical machines that process information using the principles of quantum mechanics, which in turn is underpinned by linear algebra. The talk will start with a review of Lie algebras (consisting of matrices under the operation of commutator) and their role in quantum mechanics. The dynamical Lie algebra (DLA) of a quantum system…

Stochastics/Discrete Analysis Seminar: Peter Rudzis, UNC Chapel Hill, Well-posedness and stationarity of infinite systems of competing Brownian particles

SAS 4201

A number of continuous interacting particle systems can be described as collections of Brownian particles on the real line whose collision dynamics are mediated by the local times associated with the gaps between adjacent particles.  Examples of systems in this class include the ordered particle dynamics of rank-based diffusions and certain eigenvalue processes arising in…

Special Event: Triangle Area Inverse Problems Weekend

How to use mathematics to see inside something that is too large or too precious to be opened up? Would you like to learn about the mathematical theory behind medical and seismic imaging? Attend Triangle Area Inverse Problems Weekend at NC State University from Friday October 4 thru Sunday October 6 to learn more. The event is…

Quantum Groups and Representation Theory Conference

SAS Hall Lobby

Event webpage:   This conference is in celebration of Kailash Misra's 70th birthday.