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REU 2017: Summer Research at the University of Southern California

University of Southern California is offering the 2017 Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering.
This REU program allows talented students completing their Sophomore or Junior year the opportunity to spend summer break working alongside USC’s world-class faculty on cutting-edge research in engineering and computer science. Participants will gain valuable research experience and receive a stipend for living expenses in Los Angeles. Housing and transportation will also be provided.

Interested students are encouraged to visit our SURE webpage to review available research projects for 2017 and to start an application:

Applicants to the Summer Research program should be outstanding undergraduate students in engineering or computer science who are currently of Sophomore or Junior standing and must be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. or Canadian citizens. The deadline to apply for SURE 2017 is February 7, 2017.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have.

Best regards,

Camillia Lee
Assistant Dean
Graduate and Professional Programs
USC Viterbi School of Engineering