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$5K Summer 2017 grant opportunity (1st-3rd year undergrads, all majors): 2/13/2017 by 5PM ET

Students, you could get up to $5,000 to fund something YOU want to explore! This summer, you could study cultural arts in China, research climate change in Alaska, study southern dialects in South Carolina and Georgia, co-create technology that will support continued innovation with leaders in Silicon Valley, engage in a prestigious internship with a non-profit or government agency in D.C. or Geneva, and so on.  What can you dream of?
Dear colleagues:
Most of the opportunities advertised and facilitated by the Fellowship Advising Office (FAO) at NC State are nationally competitive awards, meaning that an outside award organization selects students and alums from NC State and from institutions all over the U.S. and/or other countries.  However, we are happy to advertise an internal award for NC State undergraduate students that was made possible by a private gift to FAO: SUPER-Curricular Seed Grants!  Please share widely the below text and attached two-page handout.
The Fellowship Advising Office SUPER-Curricular Seed Grants are intended to encourage and enable promising undergraduate students to build on their undergraduate studies by participating in EXTRAORDINARY summer experiences that will enhance their competitiveness for prestigious national and international scholarships and fellowships and for admission to highly competitive graduate programs.
One or more awards of up to $5,000 will be available for Summer 2017.
Application deadline: Monday, February 13, 2017 at 5PM ET.
See attached handout for additional details.
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to propose a creative, intellectually engaging project that many students can only dream about! Undergraduate students from all backgrounds and majors are encouraged to apply. We particularly invite creative and original proposals.
  • Full-time undergraduate student at the time of application.
  • Open to freshmen and sophomore undergraduate students with 3.5 or higher GPA.
  • Open to junior undergraduate students with a 3.7 or higher GPA if, and only if, their summer project is for an Honors Thesis (University Honors Program or Department Honors Program).
The project MUST
  • Be self-designed
  • Have a direct tie to either your major/minor or to your thesis
  • Occur during the summer, for 8 weeks or longer, and be your primary summer activity
  • See examples on page 2 of the handout
The Seed Grant WILL NOT FUND
  • Any experiences taken for academic credit
  • Group projects
  • Participation in experiences organized by someone else (e.g., REU, missions, service organization)
  • Tuition for a program of study
The project MAY
  • Enhance or expand your independent research already in progress, if the summer research is undertaken outside of NC State
  • Supplement a traditional summer study abroad program with an independent research project outside of structured activities
  • Be a highly competitive unpaid internship (e.g., National Endowment for the Humanities, State Department, U.S. Embassy abroad)
  • Occur within or outside the United States
For more information and/or to request a Seed Grant application, please contact FAO staff now: Dr. Tiffany Kershner ( and Ms. Alsace Gallop (
Follow FAO on Twitter for updates about award opportunities, events, and more: @NCState_FAO!