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Chancellor’s Statement on President’s Executive Order Limiting Entry to the United States

Statement of NC State Chancellor Randy Wodson:

On Friday, January 27, President Trump issued an Executive Order limiting immigrant and non-immigrant visa holders from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen from entering the United States for 90 days, and suspended the refugee admission program. We have determined that approximately 170 students, visiting scholars and employees may be affected, although we are not aware of any traveling abroad. We strongly recommend that members of our NC State community from the targeted countries avoid international travel until further notice.

As we continue to monitor developments and determine the full impact this Executive Order will have at NC State, our Office of International Affairs, Graduate School, Provost’s Office and others are connecting with students, faculty and staff from the identified countries and offering support so they know they are a welcome and valued part of the NC State community.

Please read my full statement here: