Upcoming UGR Events
1. Annual Undergraduate Research Speed Dat-aing: Thursday September 21st in Talley Student Ballroom 5:30-6:30pm
This event is open to all NC State undergraduate students, but will be most beneficial to freshman and sophomores interested in learning about undergraduate research. Be open to exploring disciplines that you may not previously have considered.
2. Annual State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium (SNCURCS): Saturday November 4 hosted at Campbell University
All undergraduate students enrolled in North Carolina colleges, universities, or community colleges and high school students who have completed a mentored research project through an accredited university or other Summer Ventures or research program are eligible to participate in SNCURCS. Presentations include Poster, Oral, Exhibit and Performance options.
All North Carolina undergraduate sophomores are also eligible to apply for a Barthalmus Research Grant to fund an ongoing research project.
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