Application opens Oct. 3 for 2018 NCUWM
Students interested in attending the 20th annual 2018 Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics (NCUWM) on January 26-28 must complete an application online between October 3 and October 10, 2017. No new applications will be accepted after October 10. Selection of participants will be done according to the policies posted on our website:
The new application system implemented in 2016-17 yielded such positive feedback that it is no longer considered interim, and it is now the new policy for acceptance into the conference. The policy was crafted to fit a wide range of institutional situations, but nobody can anticipate all possibilities. If you believe that your situation is sufficiently unusual that it warrants special consideration, please have your faculty advisor contact Dr. Glenn Ledder, NCUWM Co-Chair, at
Please note that the registration fee is $50 per person, for both students and faculty, to be paid by students once they are notified of acceptance.
Attached is a poster advertising the conference and the open application period. Please forward and share with any interested colleagues.
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