Call for NC State University Students: Healthcare Analytics Conference at NC State (March 14-15)
Hi NC State STEM Departments,
We’re organizing a Healthcare Analytics conference at NC State University. It is jointly hosted by Duke, UNC, NC State, and the NSF’s SAMSI. It is likely to be of interest to your undergraduate students, graduate students, and post docs in STEM fields such as statistics, engineering, math, biology, computer science, and medicine.
We are extending the invitation to participate to all the local schools.
Any students working or doing research in the area are welcome to present at our dual speed-presentation + poster session, which will allow them to showcase their work to the full conference audience. Students who just want to learn more about the field are more than welcome!
Would you be able to forward the following promotional to your relevant students and faculty?
Thanks you for your time,
Glen Wright Colopy
DPhil Oxon
Oxford Institute of Biomedical Engineering
——— Advances in Precision and Personalized Medicine Conference ———
Are you interested in the most recent advances in Analytics in Healthcare and what the future of healthcare technology may hold? The Advances in Precision and Personalized Medicine Conferencewill be bring in top speakers from across the country to answer just that and show off their most cutting edge work.
The conference is co-hosted by Duke, UNC, NC State, and SAMSI and will feature world-leading presenters from industry, regulatory, and academia. Our speakers will cover a range of healthcare industries including hospitals, homecare, insurance, Big Pharma, CROs, biotech, and mobile health.
We still have speaking slots open for both traditional and speed presentations, so if you would like your company to be actively represented, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with Glen Wright Colopy (
The conference will be held March 14-15 at SAS Hall on NC State campus and registration is FREE. Please register by January 31, 2019!
You can register and read the current schedule at the conference website:
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