BSME upcoming application deadlines
I’m writing about Budapest Semesters in Mathematics Education (BSME), a study abroad program in Budapest, designed for undergraduates and recent graduates interested in the learning and teaching of secondary mathematics.
Attached is a letter intended for students, telling them a bit about the BSME program and encouraging them to apply. Please share it with your math and/or math education students. Note that a BSME participant doesn’t necessarily have to be pursuing a secondary teaching license—a genuine interest in teaching and mathematics is what we’re looking for.
We are currently accepting applications for the following semesters: Summer 2019 (deadline March 1), Fall 2019 (deadline April 1), and Spring 2020 (deadline Nov. 1). The application, reviewed on a rolling basis, can be found at In particular, we are capping the Summer 2019 session at 24 participants, and the space has started to fill up. So students are encouraged to apply early.
Also attached is a PDF of our poster for you to share with students. If you have any questions or need additional hard copies of brochures or posters, please do not hesitate to contact our office, either by email ( or by phone (507-786-3821).
Best wishes,
Ryota Matsuura
North American Director, BSME
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