College of Sciences Mock Interview Day (9/12) – Sign Up Now!
Thursday, September 12th the Career Development Center will host a special mock interview day just for the College of Sciences! This is a great opportunity to get practice interviewing with a real recruiter seeking NC State students in the College of Sciences for a variety of paid, degree-related roles. The companies attending the Fall 2019 College of Sciences Mock Interview Day are:
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC
- NC Dept. of Cultural Resources
- John Deere
- NC Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services
ALL of these employers are actively recruiting students in the College of Sciences–undergraduate and graduate–for a variety of roles within their organizations. These mock interview sessions serve as a great opportunity to get some direct feedback from an employer, to learn more about the wide range of roles and majors these companies recruit, and to expand your professional network.
All interviews will take place in the Career Development Center (2100 Pullen Hall) on Thursday (9/12) between 9am and 5pm (last interview slot is at 4pm).
To sign-up/register for a Mock Interview Day slot, visit ePACK and go to “Jobs/Internships” > “Search” > in the “Keyword” field type “112005” and click “Search.” After this, you will see the job posting for “COS Mock Interview Day.” Click on that job posting, then click on “Apply” and select your desired time.
There are only 45 mock interview slots total for undergrad and grad students in the College of Sciences. First come, first serve! Hurry up and register for an interview slot as soon as you can.
Do’s and Do Not’s
- Do treat this as a real interview, i.e. dress professionally, bring a copy of your resume, something to write with, and be prepared!
- Do Show up to your mock interview! The recruiters are using their time to help NC State students and not showing up can discourage recruiters from coming back to campus; you are also taking an interview opportunity from another student and wasting it if you do not show up!
- Do not take this opportunity for granted! Sign up and use this opportunity to network and learn more about the organizations recruiting NC State students. Last year we had a student mock interview with a company and later that semester earned an internship with the same recruiter & company–the mock interview definitely helped!
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