Undergraduate Scholarships & Graduate Fellowships in STEM | PathwaysToScience.org
Deadlines for many undergraduate scholarships and graduate fellowships are rapidly approaching, and these early fall deadlines often catch students off-guard. We could use your help in spreading the word about these opportunities with undergrads and grads that you know!
Students can use our searchable online directory to find STEM funding opportunities.
Undergraduate Scholarships — 30+ opportunities from a variety of private and federal funders for students pursuing STEM
Graduate Funding for Masters Students — 40+ funding opportunities for Masters-level students in STEM
Graduate Funding for PhD Students — 40+ funding opportunities including funding from NSF, NASA, and NIH.
Check these nice resources on how to build a strong application.
Students should feel free to contact me directly with any questions on how to use our online search to find funding opportunities.
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