Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics: Application opens Oct. 1 for 2020 NCUWM
Students interested in attending the 22nd annual Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics (NCUWM) on January 31-February 2, 2020, must complete an application online between October 1 and October 8, 2019. No new applications will be accepted after October 8. Selection of participants will be done according to the policies posted on our website:
We are pleased to announce that the 2020 conference will feature two distinguished plenary speakers:
Dr. Margaret Cozzens, Rutgers University
Dr. Trachette Jackson, University of Michigan
Please note that the registration fee is $50 per person, for both students and faculty, to be paid by students once they are notified of acceptance.
Attached is a flyer advertising the conference and the open application period.
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