Southern Teachers at NC Master’s & PhD Fair!
A Southern Teachers representative is visiting the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill soon!
19th Annual NC Master’s and Doctoral Career Fair
The Friday Center
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Southern Teachers helps college graduates find great jobs in excellent K-12 schools. We are coming to meet your best and brightest and talk with them about teaching in college-preparatory, private/independent schools.
The teaching environment in these private/independent schools can be wonderful because of their small class sizes, their college-bound students, and their close-knit communities. At independent schools, quality isn’t just about test scores and college acceptances; it’s also the unique way that teachers maximize the potential of their students.
ST works with almost 600 schools around the South, and they list thousands of jobs with us each year. While successful progress through a teacher-education program is essential for some of these jobs (e.g., for elementary teachers), many positions do not require a teaching certificate. Math majors can be hired to teach math; Spanish majors can teach Spanish, etc. Candidates do, however, need a strong academic record and the personal characteristics that will enable them to manage and motivate K-12 students. To summarize: Teacher certification is not required for most jobs.
Please let your students know that an ST representative will be coming to campus.
Thank you for your consideration and your help.
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