Career Paths Presentation
I am planning to give a presentation to the graduate training seminar this Friday on Career Paths. My idea is to highlight the extra things (besides just coursework and research) that students should be doing to set themselves up for the jobs they want in different possible directions.
I have some ideas of suggestions to make to the students but I would appreciate as many suggestions as you might have. For instance:
1) Where can students look to find summer internships, and when should they apply?
2) What kind of experiences make students more attractive for a teaching position?
3) How can students make connections that might lead them to a postdoc?
4) Novel experiences that our current or past graduate students have participated in.
The presentation is on Friday February 7th 3-4 PM in 4201 SAS Hall.
Seth Sullivant
Distinguished Professor of Mathematics
Distinguished Professor of Mathematics
Director of Graduate Programs
North Carolina State University
Office: SAS Hall 3114
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