Undergrad Math Conference (April 4, 2020) at Mount Holyoke College
HRUMC: April 4, 2020 – now accepting abstracts!
The twenty-seventh annual Hudson River Undergraduate Mathematics Conference (HRUMC) will be held Saturday, April 4, 2020, at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, MA, and the abstract submission page on the conference website is now open.
Quick info:
Date: Saturday, April 4, 2020
Location: Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA
Time: Tentative timing – registration beginning at 8 am, talks beginning at 9:30, with the conference ending at about 4:30 pm.
Keynote address: Will be given by Francesca Dominici of Harvard University
Deadline for abstract submission: Friday, March 9, 2020
Conference website: https://nova.skidmore.edu:8012/ords/f?p=167:1:0, then click on “Next Meeting”
Some more details:
The link to the conference webpage is https://nova.skidmore.edu:8012/ords/f?p=167:1:0:
Clicking on the “Next Meeting” tab at the top of the page will get you to this year’s conference information. This page gets updated as the conference approaches. A poster for the conference that you can use to advertise the HRUMC will be available in the coming weeks. It will be posted on this website.
The day will feature a wide range of talks by students and faculty, and a keynote address by Francesca Dominici, the Clarence James Gamble Professor of Biostatistics, Population and Data Science, the Co-Director of the Data Science Initiative, at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA.
This remainder of this email contains important information about preparing talks, abstract submission, lodging, and technology for this year’s conference.
(1) STUDENT AND FACULTY TALKS. Talks are scheduled to be 15 minutes in length.
- a)STUDENT TALKS. For student talks, please make sure that each student presenter has a faculty sponsor. This faculty sponsor should be willing to help the student prepare a suitable talk for the conference, hear a practice presentation by the student, and to help assess the level of the talk.
- b)FACULTY TALKS. Please encourage the faculty to give talks at the conference! The Hudson River Conference is NOT a student conference; it is a conference in which faculty and students interact as colleagues. We have had great success with student talks in the past few years, but would like to have more faculty talks. Our goal is to have 20% of the talks be given by faculty, but we have been falling well below that goal at the past few conferences.
(2) ABSTRACT SUBMISSION. This is handled online through the conference website. The deadline for abstract submission is Friday, March 9, 2020. Abstracts may be submitted in one of the following formats:
- LaTeX (.tex) files. Just include three paragraphs: one for the title, one for the list of authors and affiliations, and one for the abstract,
- Word (.doc or .docx) files.
- Plain text (.txt) files
To submit an abstract, go to the main HRUMC webpage: https://nova.skidmore.edu:8012/ords/f?p=167:1:0:
then click on the “Abstract Submission” tab at the top of the page. From there, follow the onscreen directions.
If someone does not receive e-mail verification, please let me know.
(3) TRANSPORTATION AND LODGING. Information about lodging near Mount Holyoke College will be available soon through the conference website
https://nova.skidmore.edu:8012/ords/f?p=167:1:0: and then clicking on the “Next Meeting” tab at the top of the page.
(4) NOTES ON TECHNOLOGY. Each presentation room has either a Windows or a Mac machine. Each machine is connected to a projector and the internet, and each has an Adobe Acrobat PDF reader and Microsoft PowerPoint. Each computer also has USB ports into which you can put a flash drive. Each presentation room also has both VGA and HDMI connectors if you prefer to connect your laptop.
The safest thing is to make your presentation as a PDF or PowerPoint file and load it onto the presentation room computer using a flash drive. As a backup, you can email it to yourself so that you can download it onto one of the machines in the room. We recommend bringing your presentation on a flash drive as a backup even if you plan to present from your laptop.
You will have time to load your presentation onto the computer (or plug into the projector with your laptop) in the interval before your talk.
This information will be repeated in the email confirmation you receive when you submit your abstract.
If you have any questions about the conference, please contact any member of the steering committee or consult our website at
We look forward to seeing you in April!
The HRUMC steering committee.
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