Advisees needing help registering for Humanities & Social Sciences classes
Students who are having difficulty registering for a class (e.g., prerequisite issues, instructor/department consent required) can find below details for each various departments:
Communication (COM) – students should reach out to the course instructor for registration assistance. If the instructor is listed as “Staff” students should contact Ms. Donise Benton ( for assistance.
English (ENG) – students should reach out to the course instructor for registration assistance. If the instructor is listed as “Staff” students should contact Ms. Molly Scott ( for assistance.
Foreign Languages & Literatures (CLA, FL, FLA, FLC, FLE, FLF, FLG, FLI, FLJ, FLN, FLP, FLR, FLS, GRK, LAT, PER) – students should reach out to the course instructor for registration assistance. If the instructor is listed as “Staff” students should contact Ms. April Whitaker ( for assistance.
History (HA, HI) – students should reach out to the course instructor for registration assistance. If the instructor is listed as “Staff” students should contact Ms. Norene Miller ( for assistance.
Interdisciplinary Studies (AFS, ARS, IDS, IS, NPS, STS, WGS) – students should reach out to the course instructor for registration assistance. If the instructor is listed as “Staff” students should contact Mr. Bruce Cheek ( for assistance.
Philosophy & Religious Studies (LOG, PHI, REL) – students should reach out to the course instructor for registration assistance. If the instructor is listed as “Staff” students should contact Ms. Joanna King ( for assistance.
School of Public & International Affairs (PA, LPS, PS) – students should reach out to the course instructor for registration assistance. If the instructor is listed as “Staff” and the course is a PA or PS course, students can contact Ms. Shannon Carey ( or Ms. Susan Lawhead ( for assistance. If the instructor is listed as “Staff” and the course is an LPS course, students can contact Ms. LaShica Waters ( for assistance.
Psychology (PSY) – students should contact Dr. Dana Kotter-Gruehn ( for assistance.
Sociology & Anthropology (ANT, SOC) – students should contact Ms. Stephanie Jares ( for assistance.
Social Work (SW) – students should contact Mr. Daniel Corn ( or Ms. Suzy Lamb ( for assistance.
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