CUR Undergraduate Research Twitter Takeover Nov. 12
UR Exchange will take place on Twitter on Thursday, November 12, 2020, from noon to 5 PM ET.
Fact #1: Not being able to celebrate your research successes in-person is disappointing!
Fact #2: CUR’s UR Exchange can’t solve everything, but it can provide an outlet to celebrate yourself, your mentors, connect with others, and more.
We are encouraging all students to showcase UR through short video clips, posters, posts, and more:
- Undergraduate research experiences
- Personal impact of COVID on their research
- Experience with virtual undergraduate research
- Results or hard work towards research goals accomplished this year
- Thoughts for newly elected officials to know about undergraduate research
- Thanks to your mentors, faculty, or institutions
- And much more
There is no limit on what and how you can share. Our purpose is to flood Twitter using the hashtag #URExchange with all things undergraduate research related.
- Categories: