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Global Virtual Experiences

Study Abroad Office is working to safely open up study abroad opportunities for the coming terms.

The Office of Global Engagement and Study Abroad have created virtual program opportunities for students looking to engage globally and increase their cultural competence: a virtual global course exchange and virtual internship program.

Info Sessions

Thurs, Nov 12 | 12 PM | Register at
Mon, Nov 16 | 3 PM | Register at

Spring 2021 Application Deadline: January 4


Virtual Global Internships

While continuing with NC State semester studies, virtual global internships are a valuable tool to help develop professional work skills and cultural competence.
  • Build global connections and your resume: grow your professional network and prepare for the future market place.
  • Develop cultural understanding and become globally engaged: NC State’s partner programs emphasize intercultural exchange and increased cultural competence through webinars, lunch and learns, community connections, and more.
  • Earn academic credit. Plus, Gilman scholarships can apply!
  • Safety and flexibility: work from the comfort of wherever you are studying in the spring.
Virtual Global Internships

Virtual Global Exchange: Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Enhance your studies at NC State by enrolling in a virtual global exchange course with NC State’s partner, Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ).
  • Acquire new global knowledge and enhance your cultural understanding; faculty instructors and student peers will be from the host institution.
  • There is no program cost for virtual global exchange! There is an admin fee at the time of application and standard University tuition rates apply, plus students can utilize financial aid.
  • Safety and Flexibility: there is no need to worry about travel restrictions or health concerns. Courses are online.
Virtual Exchange: USFQ

Study Abroad Opportunities

The Study Abroad Office is working to safely open up study abroad opportunities for the coming terms!