Virtual 2021 Joint Mathematics Meetings (January 6 – 9) for Undergraduate Students
Please read below about opportunities for undergraduates at the virtual 2021 Joint Mathematics Meetings, January 6 – 9, 2021. I hope you’ll encourage your students to participate and attend JMM (Please note that all times, and the meeting timetable are in Mountain Standard Time [MST]):
• The virtual graduate school fair (GSF) provides opportunities to network and learn about their options for graduate study. They can visit the GSF at any time throughout the meeting, to view videos, access links, and graduate program information uploaded by participating institutions, or talk live with program representatives during their scheduled office hours on Thursday or Friday, January 7 – 8, 2021 between 8am-11am (MST) and 3pm-4pm (MST). See https://www.
• The JMM scientific program will contain sessions where undergraduates are presenting. These may be of particular interest to undergraduates attending JMM who want to learn about what some of their peers are doing and to support them:
o AMS-MAA-SIAM Special Session on Research in Mathematics by Undergraduates and Students in Post-Baccalaureate Programs
o Selected AMS Special Sessions that focus on Mathematical Research
• MAA is hosting two virtual undergraduate poster sessions. Over 200 teams of students will be presenting results of their research in a wide array of mathematical areas. We especially encourage all undergraduates to register for the meeting and attend these two sessions on Thursday from 1pm to 3pm, and on Friday from 4pm to 6pm.
• The AMS Short Course, Mathematical and Computational Methods for Complex Social Systems runs in the afternoons of January 3 – 5 preceding JMM, and some of your undergraduate students may find this to be an exciting opportunity to learn about how modeling, data analysis, network science, topology, and geometry converge on problems in social and political settings.
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