BSME in-person program in Fall 2021
Budapest Semesters in Mathematics Education (BSME) is a study abroad program in mathematics education. BSME participants explore the Hungarian pedagogy, in which a strong and explicit emphasis is placed on problem solving, mathematical creativity, and communication.
BSME is aiming to re-open our in-person program during the Fall 2021 semester, provided there is confidence that we can do so safely and anticipate completion of the semester in-person and in-country. We are closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation in Hungary, in Europe, and in the United States. Our final decision on whether the Fall 2021 semester will proceed in-person will be made in May 2021.
Attached is a letter intended for students, telling them about BSME and encouraging them to apply. Please share it with your students.
In addition to the Fall 2021 semester, we are also accepting applications for the online Summer 2021 program and the in-person Spring 2022 semester. All applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, so students are encouraged to apply early. More information, including the online applications, can be found at
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