2021 NC Autistic Career Summit & Students Moving Forward Program
Students Moving Forward (SMF) is entering its 5th year this academic year and we are partnering with Duke this semester for some joint offerings, as well. The North Carolina Autistic Career Summit is entering its third year, and will take place on 9/23 and 9/24. Both SMF and the summit are virtual and registration is live!
In addition, SMF partners closely with LiNC-IT, a (paid) internship program for college students (and alumni) in NC who are on the autism spectrum. LiNC-IT is a state government program out of the governor’s office where I serve on the planning committee and chair the “higher ed. collaborative.” In other words: we have work, send students!
Attached to this email are digital flyers for SMF and the summit for anyone who wants to distribute, place on digital billboards, etc. If you want to know more about either program, above I included hyperlinks to each, and below I included a brief description.
Thank you & have a great weekend!
Students Moving ForwardSMF is a strengths-based career focused program for NCSU students (undergrad, grad, and alumni) who are autistic. We meet five times each semester (fall & spring); incorporate a local advisory board of autistic professionals from a range of career fields; and, we have strong partnerships with employers such as SAS, Credit Suisse, IBM, EY, NetApp, NC Government, and more.
North Carolina Autistic Career SummitThe North Carolina Autistic Career Summit is for students and alumni on the autism spectrum who are seeking helpful tips and best practices for the job search process, and an opportunity to meet with employers recruiting for paid internships and degree-related full-time roles. This year’s summit is two days long, and we will hold the career fair on each day from 3:30pm – 5:30pm. As of September 3rd, we have 145 registered attendees, 42 of which are students (and 20 of those students are from NCSU).
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