OUR Upcoming Deadlines and Events
o CONNECT, the event during which researchers from around the university will present their work in relation to the land-grant mission of the university and how undergraduates could play a role in it, will be held each day October 18-22 from 12:00-1:00 pm. This is a virtual event. You can register here (and see themes/presenters). You will receive the Zoom link the day before the event.
o Spring Research Award submissions will be accepted through November 8, 2021 at 11:59pm. This Research Award is open to students in all disciplines. For additional details and to submit a proposal, visit https://undergradresearch.dasa.ncsu.edu/projectfunding/. Please carefully review the proposal instructions and funding information at the bottom of the funding page. Students should work closely with their mentors to develop the proposal and budget. To submit or review/start a draft, go to the funding page, scroll to “Click Here to go Proposal Submission Site”, in the new window click on “Undergraduate Research Award (Spring 2022)”, and you will see “competition files” (proposal and budget templates, as well as the rubric for scoring) on the right side of the screen.
o The TRio Ronald E. McNair Scholar Program application will open on October 15, 2021, for the 2021-22 cohort! Application materials are due as soon as possible, but no later than November 30, 2021. TRIO McNair is a federally-funded program designed to increase the number of students from historically excluded and underrepresented groups who go on to graduate studies leading to the completion of their doctoral degree. Please see the attached for information session dates. Please direct questions to Dr. Lara Chatman. The link to register is go.ncsu.edu/reminfo.
o The deadline to submit to the 2021 State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research & Creativity Symposium (SNCURCS) is October 15. For more information visit https://sncurcs.org/. Not ready to present, but want to explore SNCURCS? The conference will be held virtually on November 13. There is no registration fee.
o The deadline to submit to the National Conference on Undergraduate Research 2022 (NCUR) for competition is October 20. The non-competition abstract deadline is November 19. You can review information about submissions here: https://ncur.secure-platform.com/a.
o The National Collegiate Research Conference (NCRC), hosted by the Harvard College Undergraduate Research Association, invites submissions through December 1, 2021 (https://www.hcura.org/about-ncrc) and students to attend the conference January 21-23, 2022. Please note: The OUR is sharing this information only; if you have questions, please direct them to programming@hcura.org.
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