BSME accepting applications
Are you passionate about the learning and teaching of mathematics? Would you like to spend a semester or summer in a beautiful historical city, with one of the most vibrant cultures in Europe? How about learning in small classes where instructors challenge each student to deeply engage with the material?
Please consider Budapest Semesters in Mathematics Education (BSME), a study abroad program in Budapest, Hungary, designed for undergraduates and recent graduates interested in the learning and teaching of secondary mathematics. BSME participants explore the Hungarian pedagogy, in which a strong and explicit emphasis is placed on problem solving, mathematical creativity, and communication.
Why BSME? Today’s American teachers are expected to provide students with opportunities to struggle productively towards understanding. Preparing teachers who can cultivate such a learning environment is an important goal, and the Hungarian pedagogy has the potential to play a critical role in this endeavor. At BSME, we are excited for our participants to bring back this new perspective on mathematics education.
BSME participants engage in mathematical exploration to experience first-hand learning in the Hungarian pedagogy. They connect these experiences to their own understanding of learning and teaching. They observe Hungarian classrooms and teach their own lessons to Hungarian students (in English). And BSME courses are designed so that credits are transferable to American colleges and universities.
We are currently accepting applications for Summer 2022, Fall 2022, and Spring 2023 semesters. The applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, so apply early! More information, including the online application, can be found at
Newsflash: BSME is offering a reduced tuition rate of $5,345 for our Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 semesters. We are hopeful that this will make the program more accessible to more students.
If you have any questions, please contact our BSME office, either by email ( or by phone (507-786-3821).
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