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You’re Invited! DRUMS REU 2022

Summer 2022 REU

DRUMS – Directed Research for Undergraduates in Math and Statistics

Dear math majors,

The Mathematics and Statistics Departments of North Carolina State University invite qualified applicants for a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program that pairs mathematics and statistics students for interdisciplinary summer research projects. Proposed projects span applications in disease mod- eling (COVID-19), deep learning, image segmentation, cell structure modeling, and clinical trials; using tools from linear algebra, partial differential equations, probability, sensitivity analysis, parameter infer- ence, optimization, and machine learning. In addition to the technical aspects of the program, students also learn auxiliary skills including mathematical programming, writing reports in LaTeX, applying for grad- uate school, and preparing scientific presentations. 

Students of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply. This includes students who might have a nontraditional mathematical and/or statistical training, or who are just beginning their mathematical studies.

Application Deadline: Review of applications begins February 15 and will continue until all slots are filled.

Please apply at

For further information, please visit 

Dr. Mette Olufsen (

Dr. Brian Reich (