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Math Teaching Jobs, Office Hours April 11-15

This is a reminder that Southern Teachers is hosting Office Hours to discussing finding math teaching jobs in private K-12 schools with NC State students.

Office Hours: 12-5pm April 11-15

Schedule a 15-minute chat

The busiest hiring season of the year is upon us. While we recommend applying as soon as possible to be available for these opportunities, we understand you may have questions about private schools, necessary qualifications, or how our free teacher placement services work. We have organized this event as an opportunity to answer your questions.

Are you qualified for these jobs?

  • Teacher certification is prized, but NOT required for middle and high school positions.
  • Schools are looking for new grads with majors or minors in math.

About Us

·         Southern Teachers is an education recruitment firm working with over 700 K-12 private schools in the South. Our personalized teacher placement service helps you run an efficient job search and discern the best opportunities for you. We learn about your experience and the parameters of your search (position type, schools type, and geography), and make referrals based on the information you’ve given us and our knowledge of our schools. Our services are free to candidates!

We hope to see your application soon!



Maggie Goodman | Recruitment Coordinator

434-295-9122 |