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Academic Advising Programs & Services: Resources for Students Fall 2022

AAPS Change of Major Drop-In Advising:

For students who are considering changing to a major outside their current college, please refer them to our AAPS Change of Major Drop-In Advising, offered Monday through Thursday, both virtually or in-person. AAPS Change of Major Drop-in Advising was formerly known as AAPS Walk-In Advising.

 For in-person delivery, students may choose from 2 main campus locations:

  1. AAPS Office (Holmes Hall 2nd Floor)
  2. Academic Success Center (DH Hill Library 2nd Floor)

AAPS Change of Major Drop-in Advising locations, updated hours, and information can be found here.

Referrals to Change of Major Drop-in Advising can also be made using the Navigate Referrals feature. (Within the Navigate system, select “Issue A Referral” and then from the drop down menu, “Change of Major Drop-In Advising (AAPS) – Referral Only.”)


Inter-College Transfer (ICT) Program:

The Inter-College Transfer (ICT) Program is for students who are switching majors out of their current college/program and need cross-curricular advising support beyond AAPS Change of Major Drop-In Advising. A student is a good candidate for ICT if they need additional help identifying a new intended major or if they have identified their new major but it will take multiple semesters to satisfy the minimum and/or preferred CODA requirements. Before requesting a change to ICT, your student must have ruled out all majors in their current college and be willing to explore other NC State majors.


International Student Academic Support:

For assistance supporting undergraduate and graduate international students who may be navigating academic challenges while balancing immigration requirements, contact the Academic Coordinator for International Student Support. This position represents a collaboration between Academic Advising Programs & Services and the Office of International Services. Students can be referred directly to Tony Shurer for individual and ongoing academic support.


External Transfer Student Academic Support:

Admitted external transfer students can be referred directly to the Academic Coordinator for Transfer Student Support, for additional support navigating academic challenges and/or getting connected to resources on campus. Our transfer coordinator role is also available to help answer your advising questions regarding transfer. We are currently searching for this position and hope to have the position filled in September. In the meantime, see resources for external transfer students on our webpage.