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2023 SK Day – Volunteers Needed! 

The NCSU Association for Women in Mathematics chapter is seeking volunteers for our 2023 SK Day on Saturday, April 15, 2023! 

What is SK Day? Dr. Sonia Kovalevsky was the first female mathematician to obtain a PhD and, in honor of her, schools across the nation host an SK Day to encourage young  women to gain more interest in mathematical sciences. At NC State, we host middle to high school students for a full day of math workshops right in our very own SAS Hall. This is a free event for all students. 

When is SK Day? Saturday, April 15, 2023.

Why should I volunteer? There are a number of ways to help make SK Day a success. From signing students in, to teaching workshops, you can find a task that suits your interest and comfort level. Plus it is a great way to build your resume. You do NOT need to volunteer for the entire day – you can choose a volunteer hours based on what fits in your schedule. Plus, free lunch and swag will be provided to volunteers!


If you are at all interested, please complete this Google Form: Completing the interest form will sign you up for emails regarding the event! 

Please feel free to share this with anyone who might be interested in the program! Any questions can be directed toward me ( or the AWM President, Dana ( 

On behalf of NCSU’s AWM Chapter, thank you! 

Annamarie Leske

Applied Mathematics Major

Association for Women in Mathematics – NCSU Chapter Vice President
North Carolina State University ’23 

Check out our ❤️fabulous❤️ participants and volunteers from SK Day 2022!