NSF REU Site at IIT/UChicago — BigDataX: from theory to practice in Big Data computing at eXtreme scales
BigDataX: from theory to practice in Big Data computing at eXtreme scales
REU: Research Experience for Undergraduate students
Program Summer 2023: May 30th 2023 — August 4th 2023 at Illinois Institute of Technology & University of Chicago in Chicago Illinois http://datasys.cs.iit.edu/grants/BigDataX/2023/index.html
The BigDataX program is a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) site in Chicago Illinois. This program will be conducted only in-person, and unfortunately we will not be able to accommodate a virtual format. The program has six mentors at two institutions, the Illinois Institute of Technology and University of Chicago, with a variety of complementing expertise from theory to programming languages, parallel computing, distributed systems, edge computing; more information on potential projects can be found http://datasys.cs.iit.edu/grants/BigDataX/2023/index.html#Projects.
More information can be found at the general BigDataX site at http://datasys.cs.iit.edu/grants/BigDataX/index.html.
For more details about the summer activities, see the BigDataX Overview at http://datasys.cs.iit.edu/grants/BigDataX/bigdatax.pdf.
To apply to the program, see the online application (deadline March 6th, 2023) at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc5ZEOKI4sCrC13g59VU9U5_LW_iv8t_YzmUpa1JkMPyKxDug/viewform
For eligibility requirements, see http://datasys.cs.iit.edu/grants/BigDataX/2023/index.html#Eligibility.
For more information, send email to bigdatax-group@iit.edu.
REU Mentors:
* Ioan Raicu (IIT)
* Kyle Hale (IIT)
* Stefan Muller (IIT)
* Zhiling Lan (IIT)
* Kate Keahey (UChicago)
* Kyle Chard (UChicago)
Project Areas:
* Scalable Data Indexing and Search *
Data Analytics and Systems
* Operating Systems & Computer Architecture
* Resource Management and Job Scheduling
* Theory of Priority Scheduling Systems
* Edge Computing with CHI@Edge
Eligibility Requirements:
* Undergraduate student in Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering, or related discipline at a US institution
* US citizen or permanent resident on or before May 30th, 2023
* Minimum GPA 3.0
* 2 recommendation forms; must be received by March 6th, 2023; it is the student’s responsibility to ask their recommenders to submit recommendation form (including letter PDF) online at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeOsTCjHvvoX_8W-ysO5xAICqsETXVE86vrr9a3ZPe-ecocZQ/viewform before the deadline of March 6th, 2023
Important Dates:
* Application deadline: March 6th, 2023
* Recommendation forms deadline: March 6th, 2023
* Notification of decision: March 20th, 2023
* Program starts: May 30th, 2023
* Program ends: August 4th, 2023
Program Highlights:
* Spend 10 weeks immersed in research on Big Data at either Illinois Institute of Technology or University of Chicago through our virtual summer program
* Work on large scale distributed systems (e.g. Amazon AWS Cloud, Chameleon Cloud, XSEDE Grid, Aurora Supercomputer, Mystic)
* Prepare for graduate school
* Publish papers and attend international conferences
* Finances (per summer):
* $6000 stipend (taxable as income)
* $500 travel funds to attend conference (e.g. IEEE/ACM Supercomputing/SC 2023)
* $500 relocation allowance for travel to and from the BigDataX site (minimum of 50 miles away)
* Housing and meal plan included on the IIT campus paid directly to IIT housing (a $2200 value, paid by the university)
Online Application: To apply to the program, please submit your complete online application by the March 6th 2023 deadline at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc5ZEOKI4sCrC13g59VU9U5_LW_iv8t_YzmUpa1JkMPyKxDug/viewform
For any questions, please send email to bigdatax-group@iit.edu.
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