Registration for Simio Sync24 is Now Open!
Agenda and Registration Announced for Our Annual User Conference: March 6-7, 2024
Simio’s Annual User Conference is just around the corner, and registration is now open! To help make Sync24 live attendance easier for those around the world, Simio has reorganized the agenda for this virtual event to span two days instead of one. The conference will take place on Wednesday March 6, and Thursday March 7th 2024.Registration is now live online – check out the agenda below:Day 1: Wednesday, March 6, 2024
10:00AM EST Demand Driven Institute
Sync24 Keynote Presentation: The Adaptive Enterprise
11:00AM EST Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine
End-to-End Supply Chain Design & Optimization using Simulation & Options Modeling
12:00PM EST McKinsey & Company
Optimizing Production Processes with Simulation
1:00PM EST Northrop Grumman
In a Model Far, Far AwayDay 2: Thursday, March 7, 2024
10:00AM EST Simio
Introduction to the Intelligent Adaptive Process Digital Twin & What’s New in Simio
11:00AM EST Low Code Operational Intelligence
The Data Mesh: a New Mentality for Enterprise Data – Low Code Operational Intelligence
12:00PM EST Chevron
The Digital Decommissioning Factory
1:00PM EST Penske
Penske Truck Leasing Capacity Model to Support Company Growth
Join us live at an upcoming event
IISE Northeast Regional Conference
January 26-27, 2024 in Pittsburgh, PA
Simio is proud to sponsor the 2024 IISE Northeast Regional Conference, “Breaking Barriers,” hosted by the Swanson School of Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh on January 26-27, 2024. For more information, visit the event site here: Home | Pitt Iise Conference (
Share your experience with the Simio Community
User Stories Wanted!
Do you have experience using Simio that you would like to share with other users? If you’re interested, Simio Sync isn’t the only opportunity for sharing your experience with the Simio Community. In addition to Simio Sync, here are some of the other venues – Simio Solution Series, Simio Blog, Cases Studies, Testimonials, Academic Speaking/Collaboration, and Industry Organizations like IISE. If you’re interested in learning more about sharing your Simio experience, please reach out to your Simio contact. If you’re not sure who that is, Simio users in the academic community please send an email to For all Simio users outside of the academic community, please send an email to
New Video: Data-Generated Quick Tutorial
The Simio Team wants to help you ramp up on the process of data-generated & data-driven modeling!
In this video, the Simio Team is back with more Tips & Tricks for users: we show you how to use data-generated modeling to rapidly build models, evaluate different facility layouts, and start your project with a data-driven foundation. The video tutorial covers best practices for starting a project with data-generated modeling, for both objects and links, and custom object definitions with data-driven default property values.
Click below to learn more about this powerful capability
Spring 2024 Simio Academic Case Study
In Case You Missed It – Now Available!
In case you missed it: Simio’s Academic team has released its newest Academic Case Study for Spring 2024. All materials are now available online. The new Case Study, titled ‘Simio Fresh Mex,’ involves the development of models for analyzing a made-to-order Mexican food restaurant, and it involves analyzing provided historical data, developing one or more Simio models of the restaurant operation, and using the model(s) to help determine the staffing, task allocation, and task prioritization throughout the day to meet the store’s customer service and resource cost goals.
Sign up for Case Study materials here
Are you a Flow Library user?
We need your feedback!
If you aren’t familiar, Simio Flow Library is a set of 10 pre-built objects within Simio that can be used to model flow processing systems. These may be continuous or semi-continuous processes that involve tanks, pipes, movable fluid containers, valves, flow rates, etc. Flow may also be integrated with Standard Library (discrete) modeling using the FlowToItemConverter, or ItemToFlowConverter objects.
Simio needs your help! We would like to hear your thoughts about Flow. Understanding your experiences and needs on this topic will help us improve your Simio experience. Our product planning, technical support, and user training teams are standing by to hear what you have to say!
Please click here to take this quick survey
Tips & Tricks from the Simio Team
Modeling Mobile Resources as Workers
In models where the user may want Secondary Resources to be physically moved to a given Station, modeling inanimate objects as a Worker object is an effective way to mobilize the Resource. The Resource object, though perhaps more intuitive by its definition to represent items such as tooling for a job (in this case a MIG welder), is static during runtime and cannot physically be moved to a station. Depending on the scope of the model and the desired KPIs of the equipment involved, the Worker object can be an effective substitute given its ability to move location throughout the run.
-Contribution from Drew Rose, Simio Solutions Engineer
The Simio Solution Series is Back
Fundamentals of Simio –
Basic Features and How to use Simio for New Users
This session is aimed at new and soon-to-be-new Simio users. We will demonstrate the basic features of Simio and the model-building process by building a model – no idle talk and hand-waving – instead, we’ll get knee-deep in Simio by building and running a model, discussing features and answering questions along the way.
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