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UNC-Chapel Hill Applied Physical Sciences, Graduate Program Open House – You are invited!

UNC-Chapel Hill Department of Applied Physical Sciences is hosting an Open House for undergraduate students considering graduate school.  Please share widely with your undergraduate population – and thank you!  An event flyer is attached to this email.


Please join us to discover UNC’s PhD program in Applied Physical Sciences and exciting doctoral research opportunities.  A buffet dinner will be provided and on-campus parking is available.


  • Sign up for one-on-one meetings and discuss your career plans with APS faculty.
  • Learn about open research opportunities in the department.
  • Meet our PhD students, learn about their cutting-edge research and most recent achievements.
  • Visit our BeAM Makerspace and our CHANL fabrication, microscopy and spectroscopy shared facility.


When:  Thursday, November 7; 4:30pm to 8:00pm

Where:  Murray Hall, Ground Floor, 101 South Rd, Chapel Hill, NC 27514


PDF Attachment