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Mark Shimozono, Virginia Tech, “Quiver Hall-Littlewood symmetric functions and Kostka-Shoji polynomials”
April 21, 2017 | 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT
We associate to any quiver a family of symmetric functions, defined by creation operators which are generalizations of Jing’s creation operators. For the cyclic quiver the coefficient polynomials were studied by Finkelberg and Ionov. Shoji has recently shown that the single variable specialization of the Finkelberg-Ionov polynomials agree with polynomials he studied in relation to Green functions for reflection groups. For the cyclic quiver we give an explicit conjecture for the Finkelberg-Ionov polynomials involving multitableaux and charge. We conjecture Schur positivity for any quiver. This is joint work with Dan Orr.