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Pure Math Graduate Student Seminar: Daniel Profili, NC State, Eigenvalue configurations for real symmetric matrices
March 6, 2023 | 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST
Real symmetric matrices appear in a wide range of disciplines. One geometric problem that can be asked of two real symmetric matrices is: how are their eigenvalues arranged on the real line? Can we characterize all matrices whose eigenvalues realize a certain arrangement? In this talk, we will use principles from basic algebraic geometry and computer algebra to answer this question in the affirmative, and provide an algorithm for doing so.
SAS 2102
Zoom Meeting link: https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/92762214990?pwd=MnA1TnNVQUpzUlo3cTM5RmlNWVF4Zz09
Password: noodle