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Latest Past Events

GAMMA (Games in Applied Math, Modeling, and Analysis)

SAS 2235

Discover the beauty of mathematics and its wide applicability and power in everyday life! Grade Level: High School Students   Schedule of Events: 11-11:15 am Drop Off 11:15-11:30 am Introductions 11:30-12:30 pm Applied Math and Math Modeling 12:30-1:15 pm Lunch 1:15-2:15 pm Control and Optimization in Biomedicine 2:15-2:45 pm Closing Remarks and Snacks 2:45-3 pm…

Mathematics Department Commencement Ceremony

McKimmon Center, Raleigh NC

Please save the date for the Department of Mathematics Spring 2024 Graduation Ceremony. Commencement starts at 5:30PM, with guest seating starting at 5:00PM.

Geometry and Topology Seminar: Irina Kogan, NC State, An Introduction to Computational Invariant Theory (Part II)

SAS 4201

Invariants withstand transformations and, therefore, represent the essence of objects or phenomena. In mathematics, transformations often constitute a group action. Since the 19th century, studying the structure of various types of invariants and designing methods and algorithms to compute them remains an active area of ongoing research with an abundance of applications, in particular, to…