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Corey Jones, NC State, Fusion categories in mathematics and physics

SAS 4201

Fusion categories are algebraic structures that generalize the representation categories of finite groups. I will explain how fusion categories have become involved in diverse areas of mathematics and physics, from topologically ordered phases of matter in 2-dimensions to quantum symmetries of noncommutative spaces.   Jointly in person and virtually on Zoom. SAS 4201 for in-person…

Andy Manion, NC State, Higher tensor products and Heegaard Floer homology

SAS 4201

I will discuss some algebraic aspects of recent work with Raphael Rouquier on a tensor product operation for categorified representations of U_q(gl(1|1)^+) and its connections to Heegaard Floer homology. Speaker’s webpage: Jointly in person and virtually on Zoom. SAS 4201 for in-person participation. The Zoom link is sent out to the Algebra and Combinatorics…

Juan Villarreal Montoya, NC State, Logarithmic vertex algebras


First, I will make a general introduction to vertex algebras. Then, I will mention some results of recent work with Bojko Bakalov on Logarithmic vertex algebras.   Jointly in person in SAS 4201 or virtually on Zoom. The Zoom link is sent out to the Algebra and Combinatorics mailing list, please contact Corey Jones at to…

Jianping Pan, NC State, Crystals, Stable Grothendieck Polynomials, and Putting Numbers In Boxes


I will tell you about my dissertation work on two variants of stable Grothendieck polynomials and their combinatorics. Relevant combinatorial objects include crystals (edge-labelled directed digraphs from representation theory), tableaux (numbers in boxes with rules), decreasing factorizations (numbers in parentheses), and insertion algorithms (how to put numbers in boxes). Background in algebraic combinatorics is helpful…

Tianyi Yu, UC San Diego, Grothendieck-to-Lascoux Expansions


We establish the conjecture of Reiner and Yong for an explicit combinatorial formula for the expansion of a Grothendieck polynomial into the basis of Lascoux polynomials. This expansion is a subtle refinement of its symmetric function version due to Buch, Kresch, Shimozono, Tamvakis, and Yong, which gives the expansion of stable Grothendieck polynomials indexed by…

Cain Edie-Michell, UC San Diego, Algebras in tensor categories


It is a classical result that the simple algebras in the category of finite dimensional vector spaces are precisely the n x n matrix algebras. The notion of algebras in more general tensor categories is easy to formulate, and we can ask for classification results in these categories. Such classification results have broad applications to conformal field…

Nantel Bergeron, York University, From P-partitions to bounded P-partitions


The theory of P-partitions was developed by Stanley to understand/solve several enumerations problems and representations theory problems. Together with the work of Gessel, this led to the development of the space of quasisymmetric functions. Schur functions are naturally understood in the world of quasisymmetric functions as a sum over standard tableaux of Gessel fundamental functions.…

Shiliang Gao, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Newell-Littlewood numbers


Jointly in person and virtually on Zoom. SAS 4201 for in-person participation. The Zoom link is sent out to the Algebra and Combinatorics mailing list, please contact Corey Jones at to be added. Abstract: The Newell-Littlewood numbers are defined in terms of the Littlewood-Richardson coefficients. Both arise as tensor product multiplicities for a classical Lie group. A.…

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Jianping Pan, NC State, A bijection between K-Kohnert diagrams and reverse set-valued tableaux

SAS 2225

Lascoux polynomials are K-theoretic analogues of the key polynomials. They both have combinatorial formulas involving tableaux: reverse set-valued tableaux (RSVT) rule for Lascoux polynomials and reverse semistandard Young tableaux (RSSYT) rule for key polynomials. Besides, key polynomials have a simple algorithmic model in terms of Kohnert diagrams, which are in bijection with RSSYT. Ross and…

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Nicholas Russoniello, Willam & Mary,

SAS 2225

Jointly in person and virtually on Zoom. SAS 2225 for in-person participation. The Zoom link is sent out to the Algebra and Combinatorics mailing list, please contact Corey Jones at to be added.   Speaker’s webpage:

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Seth Sullivant, NC State, Maximum Agreement Subtrees

SAS 2225

BSTRctProbability distributions on the set of trees are fundamental in evolutionary biology, as models for speciation processes. These probability models for random trees have interesting mathematical features and lead to difficult questions at the boundary of combinatorics and probability. This talk will be concerned with the question of how much two random trees have in…

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Sarah Mason , Wake Forest University

SAS 2225

Speaker’s webpage: Location: Jointly in person and virtually on Zoom. SAS 2225 for in-person participation. The Zoom link is sent out to the Algebra and Combinatorics mailing list, please contact Corey Jones at to be added.

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Radmila Sazdanovic, NC State, Categorification: knots, graphs and more

SAS 2225

Categorification is a method that has many emanations hence eludes a precise definition. Therefore, we will discuss categorification through several examples of categorifying polynomials arising from different fields of mathematics, including knots, graphs, and orthogonal polynomials. Speaker’s webpage: Location: Jointly in person and virtually on Zoom. SAS 2225 for in-person participation. The Zoom link is sent out…

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Qing Zhang, Purdue, Classification of Modular Categories by Galois Orbit Count

SAS 2225

Given a modular category C, the irreducible characters of its fusion ring are in one-to-one correspondence with the set Irr(C) of isomorphism classes of simple objects of C. Consequently, the action of the absolute Galois group on these characters induces a permutation action on Irr(C). The analysis of this action is essential to the classification…

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Sinan Aksoy, Pacific Northwest National Lab

SAS 2225

Speaker’s webpage: Location: Jointly in person and virtually on Zoom. SAS 2225 for in-person participation. The Zoom link is sent out to the Algebra and Combinatorics mailing list, please contact Corey Jones at to be added.

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Mark Ebert, USC, Derived Superequivalences for Spin Symmetric Groups and Odd sl2-categorifications

SAS 2225

Since Chuang and Rouquier's pioneering work showing that categorical sl(2)-actions give rise to derived equivalences, the construction of derived equivalences has been one of the more prominent tools coming from higher representation theory. In this talk, we explain joint work with Aaron Lauda and Laurent Vera giving new super analogues of these derived equivalences stemming…