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Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Andrew Harder, Lehigh University, The geometry of 2-loop Feynman integrals

SAS 2235

Speaker’s webpage: In particle physics, many quantities of interest are expressed in terms of Feynman integrals. These integrals are attached to combinatorial objects called Feynman graphs, and can be expressed as integrals over (infinite) domains inside the real plane. In examples, one often finds that Feynman integrals are equal to special values of functions that…

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Sean Sanford, The Ohio State University, Real Fusion Categories

SAS 2235

Fusion categories are algebraic gadgets that have seen many applications in topology and mathematical physics.  In particular, they can be used to encode topological quantum field theories in the sense of Atiyah.  Classical examples of fusion categories include C-Rep(G), the category of finite dimensional complex representations of a finite group G.  Because of their connections…

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Roeland Wiersema, University of Waterloo, Here comes the SU(N): multivariate quantum gates and gradients

SAS 2235

Variational quantum algorithms use non-convex optimization methods to find the optimal parameters for a parametrized quantum circuit in order to solve a computational problem. The choice of the circuit ansatz, which consists of parameterized gates, is crucial to the success of these algorithms. Here, we propose a gate which fully parameterizes the special unitary group…

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Eric Hanson, NC State, Finite-dimensional algebras and the shard intersection order

SAS 4201

Reading’s shard intersection order is a lattice structure on a finite Coxeter group which is weaker than the weak order. This structure also appears in the representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras as the inclusion order on certain subcategories of modules. Algebraically, the cover relations of this lattice are traversed by applying a “reduction operation” associated…

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Martin Helmer, NC State, Effective Whitney Stratification of Real Algebraic Varieties

SAS 4201

We describe an algorithm to compute Whitney stratifications of real algebraic varieties. The basic idea is to first stratify the complexified version of the given real variety using conormal techniques, and then to show that the resulting stratifications admit a description using only real polynomials. This method also extends to stratification problems involving certain basic…

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Nathan Reading, NC State, Posets for cluster variables in cluster algebras from surfaces

SAS 4201

This talk will introduce cluster algebras, with an emphasis on their combinatorics, and describe a recent joint result with Vincent Pilaud and Sibylle Schroll. At the heart of a cluster algebra is a complicated, branching recursion that defines cluster variables (certain rational functions organized into finite sets called clusters). The recursion looks bizarre at first…

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Corey Jones, NC State, Quantum cellular automata on fusion spin chains

SAS 4201

Quantum cellular automata (QCA) are models of discrete-time unitary dynamics of quantum spin systems. They can be characterized algebraically as certain automorphisms of the associative algebra generated by local observables of a spin system. We will give a gentle introduction to this topic, and explain some of our recent contributions to the problem of classification…

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Mark Skandera, Lehigh University, Type-BC analogs of codominant permutations and unit interval orders

SAS 4201

Permutations $w$ in $S_n$ for which the (type-A) Schubert variety $\Omega_w$ is smooth are characterized by avoidance of the patterns 3412 and 4231.  The smaller family of codominant permutations, those avoiding the pattern 312, seems to explain a lot about character evaluations at Kazhdan-Lusztig basis elements $C'_w(q)$ of the (type-A) Hecke algebra. In particular, for…

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Joel Brewster Lewis, George Washington University, Bargain hunting in a Coxeter group

SAS 4201

Petersen and Tenner defined the depth statistic for Coxeter group elements which, in the symmetric group, can be described in terms of a cost-minimization problem over the factorizations of a permutation into transpositions. We generalize that cost function to the other classical (finite and affine) Weyl groups, letting the cost of an individual reflection t…

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Kyle Celano, Wake Forest University, Chromatic Symmetric Functions and RSK for (3 + 1)-free Posets

SAS 4201

In 1995, Stanley introduced the chromatic symmetric function of a graph, a symmetric function analog of the classical chromatic polynomial of a graph. The Stanley-Stembridge e-positivity conjecture is a long-standing conjecture that states that the chromatic symmetric function of a certain class of graphs, called incomparability graphs of (3+1)-free posets, has nonnegative coefficients when expanded…

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Raymond Maresca, Brandeis University, Combinatorics of exceptional collections in type A-tilde

SAS 4201

We will define quivers of type A-tilde, their representations, and exceptional collections of these representations. We will then introduce a combinatorial model of these representations, based on the one constructed by Garver, Igusa, Matherne, and Ostroff for type A, by drawing strands on a copy of the integers. We will see that collections of strands…

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Adam Daniel Gregory, University of Florida,Vexillary double Edelman–Greene coefficients are Graham positive

SAS 4201

Lam, Lee, and Shimozono (LLS) recently introduced backstable double Schubert polynomials to represent classes in the cohomology ring of the infinite flag variety. Using these polynomials, they introduce double Stanley symmetric functions, which expand into double Schur functions with polynomial coefficients called double Edelman--Greene coefficients. They prove that double Edelman--Greene coefficients are Graham positive. For…

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Michael Hull, UNC Greensboro, Highly transitive groups, hyperbolicity, and random walks

SAS 4201

A group is highly transitive if it admits a faithful, highly transitive action, that is an action which is k-transitive for all k>0. We will discuss some algebraic properties of these groups, as well as constructions of highly transitive actions for hyperbolic groups (and a wide array of generalizations of hyperbolic groups) using random walks.…

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Yairon Cid-Ruiz, NC State, Duality and blow-up algebras

SAS 4201

We provide a generalization of Jouanolou duality that is applicable to a plethora of situations. The environment where this generalized duality takes place is a new class of rings, that we introduce and call weakly Gorenstein. As a main consequence, we obtain a new general framework to investigate blowup algebras. We use our results to…

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Yupeng Li, Duke University, Coparking functions for matroids

SAS 3282

In Stanley’s seminal work “Cohen-Macaulay Complexes”, Stanley conjectured that all h vectors of matroid complexes are pure O-sequences. We constructed coparking functions on matroids with extra restrictions and showed that the degree sequences of coparking functions are the same as h vectors of matroid complexes. By this construction, we proved that Stanley’s conjecture is true…

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Lex Kemper, NC State, Quantum Computing meets Algebra: a physicists’ perspective

SAS 4201

 Quantum hardware has advanced to the point where it is now possible to perform simulations of small physical systems. Although the current capabilities are limited, given the rapid advancement it is an opportune time to develop novel algorithms for the simulation of quantum matter, and to develop those that make it possible to make connections…

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Kailash Misra, NC State, Weight multiplicities of some affine Lie algebra modules

SAS 4201

Consider the affine Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ associated with the simple Lie algebra $sl(n)$ consisting of $n\times n$ trace zero matrices over the field of complex numbers. For every dominant integral weight $\lambda$ there is a unique (upto isomorphism) irreducible highest weight $\mathfrak{g}$ module $V(\lambda)$. Although there are infinitely many weights of this module, certain important…