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Sergi Elizalde, Dartmouth College, Cyclic descents of standard Young tableaux

SAS 4201

Cyclic descents of a permutation were defined by Cellini, by allowing the permutation to wrap around as if the last entry was followed by the first. A natural question is whether a similar, well-behaved notion of cyclic descents exists for standard Young tableaux (SYT). We conjectured that such a notion exists for SYT of any…

Ying Zhou, Brandeis University, Tame Hereditary Algebras have finitely many m-Maximal Green Sequences

SAS 4201

Keller introduced the concept of maximal green sequences. Brustle-Dupont-Perotin proved that tame quivers have finitely many maximal green sequences. We have generalized the result to m-maximal green sequences. This talk will include a gentle introduction to tame path algebras, their indecomposable modules, silting objects and their mutations, the Auslander-Reiten quiver of bounded derived categories of tame path algebras and the outline…

Emily Barnard, Northeastern University, Graph Associahedra and the Poset of Maximal Tubings

SAS 4201

Given a graph G on n vertices, Postnikov defined a graph associahedron  P_G as an example of a generalized permutohedron, a polytope whose  normal fan coarsens the braid arrangement. Combinatorially, each face of  P_G corresponds to certain collections of compatible subgraphs of G called tubings. Graph associahedra were introduced independently by Carr  and Devadoss and…

Sami Assaf, University of Southern California, Inversions for reduced words

SAS 4201

The number of inversions of a permutation is the number of pairs (i < j) for which w_i > w_j. This important statistic that arises in many contexts, including as the minimum number of simple transpositions needed to express the permutation and, equivalently, as the rank function for weak Bruhat order on the symmetric group.…

Bojko Bakalov, NC State, An operadic approach to vertex algebras and Poisson vertex algebras

SAS 4201

Following Beilinson and Drinfeld, we describe vertex algebras as Lie algebras in a certain pseudo-tensor category. More precisely, starting from a vector superspace V with a linear operator on it, we introduce the operad of n-ary chiral operations on V. When V is equipped with a vertex algebra structure, this allows us to define the cohomology of V with…

Michael Strayer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Finite and infinite minuscule and d-complete posets from Kac-Moody representations

SAS 4201

The finite minuscule and d-complete posets generalize Young and shifted Young diagrams.  They have many nice combinatorial properties; for example, minuscule posets are Gaussian and Sperner, and d-complete posets have the hook length and jeu de taquin properties.  Infinite analogs of the colored minuscule posets were used by R.M. Green to construct representations of many…

Darij Grinberg, University of Minnesota, Multiline queues and their generating functions

SAS 4201

Multiline queues were introduced by Ferrari and Matrin as a tool for understanding the steady state of the Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process (TASEP) on a ring. Since then, they have attracted independent interest as combinatorial objects. A queue can be described as a transformation of words by a combinatorial rule (related to the Lascoux-Schützenberger action of the symmetric group). A…

Rekha Biswal, Laval University, Affine structure and tableaux models for E_7 crystals

SAS 4201

A Kirillov-Reshetikhin(KR) module is a certain finite dimensional U_q'(\mathfrak{g}) module that is determined by its Drinfeld polynomials. KR modules are an important class of modules for quantum groups with many applications to Mathematical physics. KR modules are conjectured to have many nice properties, one of which is the existence of a crystal basis. In this talk, we will give a…

Naihuan Jing, NC State, Yangian algebras of classical types

SAS 4201

Yangians are one of the main examples of quantum groups introduced by Drinfeld and have found applications in combinatorics, representation theory and algebraic geometry. It is well-known that the R-matrix presentation of the Yangian in type A yields generators of its Drinfeld presentation. It has been an open problem to extend this result to the remaining types since…

Saúl Blanco Rodríguez, Indiana University, Cycles in the pancake and burnt pancake graph

SAS 4201

The pancake graph has the elements of the symmetric group as vertices and there is an edge between two permutations if there is a prefix reversal that transforms one permutation into the other. One can similarly define the burnt pancake graph using signed permutations instead of permutations. Since these graphs are Cayley graphs, they have several interesting properties such as being regular and…

Travis Scrimshaw, University of Queensland, Towards a uniform model for higher level Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals

SAS 4201

Kirillov-Reshetikhin (KR) modules are a special class of finite-dimensional modules for affine Lie algebras that have deep connections with mathematical physics. One important aspect is that they are conjectured to have crystal bases, which is known except for affine type E and F (and its dual). One of the open problems in KR crystals is…

Yeeka Yau, University of Sydney, Coxeter systems for which the Brink-Howlett automaton is minimal

SAS 4201

In their celebrated 1993 paper, Brink and Howlett proved that all finitely generated Coxeter groups are automatic. In particular, they constructed a finite state automaton recognising the language of reduced words in a Coxeter group. This automaton is not minimal in general, and recently Christophe Hohlweg, Philippe Nadeau and Nathan Williams stated a conjectural criteria…

Jason Elsinger, Florida Southern College, On the irreducible characters and representations of orbifold lattice vertex algebras

Given a positive-definite even lattice Q, one can construct a lattice vertex algebra V. An important problem in vertex algebra theory and conformal field theory is to classify the representations of the subalgebra of fixed points, known as an orbifold, corresponding to an isometry of the underlying lattice. Once the representations are known, one can calculate their characters to further…

Adam Marcus, Princeton University, Ramanujan colorings

An important construction for (the information theoretic version of) semantic security is a "Biregular Irreducible Function" (BRI). These can be constructed from a complete biregular graph on $2^k d \times 2^k d$ by by coloring it with $2^k$ colors in such a way that each vertex has degree $d$ in each color. Good BRI's are…

Juan Villarreal, Virginia Commonwealth University, Logarithmic singularities in vertex algebras

In this talk we want to consider a different kind of singularities in logarithmic vertex algebras. In vertex algebras many properties arise from the locality of their fields. In particular, this implies the expansion of their brackets into a base of delta function and its derivatives. On the other hand some examples in physics lead us to consider some non-local…

Aram Dermenjian, University of Quebec at Montreal, Facial weak order in hyperplane arrangements

We discuss the facial weak order, a poset structure that extends the poset of regions on a central hyperplane arrangement to the set of all faces of the arrangement which was first introduced on the braid arrangements by Krob, Latapy, Novelli, Phan and Schwer.  We provide various characterizations of this poset including a global one, a local one, one using…

Corey Jones, Ohio State University, Vanishing of categorical obstructions for permutation orbifolds

Modular tensor categories are rich mathematical structures. They are important in the study of 2D conformal field theory, arising as categories of modules for rational vertex operator algebras. The orbifold construction A-> A^{G}  for a finite group G is a fundamental method for producing new theories from old. In the case the orbifold theory is also rational, the construction of…

Emily Gunawan, University of Connecticut, Cambrian combinatorics on quiver representations

Let Q be an orientation of a type A Dynkin diagram. An eta map corresponding to Q is a surjection from the weak order on permutations to a Cambrian lattice (of triangulations of a polygon). We give a new geometric way to construct the Auslander-Reiten quiver of the quiver representations rep(Q). We use it to naturally define…

Yan Zhuang, Davidson College, Counting permutations by peaks, descents, and cycle type

We present a general formula describing the joint distribution of two permutation statistics—the peak number and the descent number—over any set of permutations whose quasisymmetric generating function is a symmetric function. Our formula involves a certain kind of plethystic substitution on quasisymmetric generating functions. We apply this result to cyclic permutations, involutions, and derangements, and…