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Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Barbara Keyfitz, The Ohio State University, Hyperbolic Conservation Laws and Stability in L^2


Recently there has been considerable research into the stability of shocks in systems of conservation laws, with stability understood in some square-integrable sense. In this talk I will give some background on systems of nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equations (known as conservation laws), and on the issues concerning well-posedness. There are reasons that the still-unsolved…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Terry Rockafellar, University of Washington, Augmented Lagrangian Methods and Local Duality in Nonconvex Optimization


Augmented Lagrangians were first employed in an algorithm for solving nonlinear programming problems with equality constraints. However, the approach was soon extended to inequality constraints and shown in the case of convex programming to correspond to applying the proximal point algorithm to solve a dual problem. Recent developments make it possible now to articulate that…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Teemu Pennanen, King’s College London, Convex duality in nonlinear optimal transport


We study problems of optimal transport, by embedding them in a general functional analytic framework of convex optimization. This provides a unified treatment of alarge class of related problems in probability theory and allows for generalizations of the classical problem formulations. General results on convex duality yield dual problems and optimality conditions for these problems.…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Ivan Yotov, University of Pittsburgh, A nonlinear Stokes-Biot model for the interaction of a non-Newtonian fluid with poroelastic media


A nonlinear model is developed for fluid-poroelastic structure interaction with quasi-Newtonian fluids that exhibit a shear-thinning property. The flow in the fluid region is described by the Stokes equations and in the poroelastic medium by the quasi-static Biot model. Equilibrium and kinematic conditions are imposed on the interface. A mixed Darcy formulation is employed, resulting…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Juan Carlos, Centro de Modelización Matemática, Ecuador, Bilevel learning for inverse problems


In recent years, novel optimization ideas have been applied to several inverse problems in combination with machine learning approaches, to improve the inversion by optimally choosing different quantities/functions of interest. A fruitful approach in this sense is bilevel optimization, where the inverse problems are considered as lower-level constraints, while on the upper-level a loss function based…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Stéphane Gaubert, École Polytechnique, France, What tropical geometry tells us about linear programming and zero-sum games


Tropical convex sets arise as ``log-limits'' of parametric families of classical convex sets. The tropicalizations of polyhedra and spectrahedra are of special interest, since they can be described in terms of deterministic and stochastic games with mean payoff. In that way, one gets a correspondence between classes of zero-sum games, with an unsettled complexity, and classes…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Bianchini Stefano, SISSA, ITALY, Properties of mixing BV vector fields


We consider the density properties of divergence-free vector fields b in L^1(,BV(^2)) which are ergodic/weakly mixing/strongly mixing: this means that their Regular Lagrangian Flow X_t is an ergodic/weakly mixing/strongly mixing measure preserving map when evaluated at t=1. Our main result is that there exists a G-set U made of divergence free vector fields such that – The map T associating b with…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Robin Neumayer, CMU, USA, Quantitative Faber-Krahn Inequalities and Applications


Among all drum heads of a fixed area, a circular drum head produces the vibration of lowest frequency. The general dimensional analogue of this fact is the Faber-Krahn inequality: balls have the smallest principal Dirichlet eigenvalue among subsets of Euclidean space with a fixed volume. I will discuss new quantitative stability results for the Faber-Krahn…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Francesca Bucci, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy, Riccati theory in the realm of PDE’s: state of the art and recent advances in the optimal control of evolution equations with memory


The well-posedness of Riccati equations plays a central role in the study of the optimal control problem with quadratic functionals for linear partial differential equations (PDEs). Indeed, it allows the synthesis of the optimal control by solving the Riccati equation corresponding to the minimization problem, and then of the closed-loop equation. In this lecture I…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Jacopo Schino, NC State, Orbital stability of ground states to Schrödinger equations with mass constraint


I will discuss the existence and orbital stability of standing-wave solutions (i.e., with a specific time-dependence) with minimal energy (so-called ground states) to a non-linear Schrödinger equation where the L² norm is prescribed. I will focus on the simpler case where the energy is bounded below and show a novel approach that simplifies the proof.  Zoom Meeting: link  

Differential Equations Seminar: Paul Manns, TU Dortmund, Germany, On total variation regularization for PDE-constrained optimization with integer controls


We study the effect of total variation regularization on PDE-constrained optimization problems, where the control input functions may only attain finitely many integer values. The regularization helps to avoid undesirable effects such as chattering behavior. In particular, the weak-* compactness of the feasible set in the space of functions of bounded variation allows to derive…

Differential Equations/Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Michael Malisoff, LSU, Event-Triggered Control Using a Positive Systems Approach

SAS 4201

Control systems are a class of dynamical systems that contain forcing terms. When control systems are used in engineering applications, the forcing terms can represent forces that can be applied to the systems. Then the feedback control problem consists of finding formulas for the forcing terms, which are functions that can depend on the state…

Differential Equations/Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Maria Teresa Chiri, Queen’s University, Controlling the spread of invasive biological species


We consider a controlled reaction-diffusion equation, modeling the spreading of an invasive population. Our goal is to derive a simpler model, describing the controlled evolution of a contaminated set. We first analyze the optimal control of 1-dimensional traveling wave profiles. Using Stokes’ formula, explicit solutions are obtained, which in some cases require measure-valued optimal controls.…

Differential Equations/Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Ryan Murray, NC State, Adversarially robust classification, non-local perimeters, and geometric flows

SAS 4201

Classification is a fundamental task in data science and machine learning, and in the past ten years there have been significant improvements on classification tasks (e.g. via deep learning). However, recently there have been a number of works demonstrating that these improved algorithms can be “fooled” using specially constructed adversarial examples. In turn, there has been increased…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Alexei Novikov, PSU, USA, Long-time behavior of a randomly perturbed oscillator


We consider a long-time behavior of a stochastically forced nonlinear oscillator. In a long-time limit the force converges to fractional Brownian motion, a process that has memory. In contrast, we show that the  limit of the nonlinear oscillator driven by this force converges to diffusion driven by standard (not fractional) Brownian motion, and thus retains…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Theodore D. Drivas, Stony Brook University, Remarks on the long-time dynamics of 2D Euler


We will discuss some old and new results concerning the long-time behavior of solutions to the two-dimensional incompressible Euler equations. Specifically, we discuss whether steady states can be isolated, wandering for solutions starting nearby certain steady states, singularity formation at infinite time, and finally some results/conjectures on the infinite-time limit near and far from equilibrium.…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Michel De Lara, Cermics, École des Ponts ParisTech, France, Hidden Convexity in the l_0 Pseudonorm


The so-called $l_0$ pseudonorm counts the number of nonzero components of a vector. It is standard in sparse optimization problems. However, as it is a discontinuous and nonconvex function, the l0 pseudonorm cannot be satisfactorily handled with the Fenchel conjugacy. In this talk, we review a series of recent results on a class of Capra…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Peter W. Michor, University of Vienna, Austria, Whitney manifold germs as source for manifolds of mappings


During the preparation of a foundational chapter on manifolds of mappings for a book on geometric continuum mechanics I found out that the following object behaves surprisingly well as source of a manifold of mappings: — A Whitney manifold germ M˜ ⊃ M consists of an open manifold M˜ together with a closed subset M…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Guillaume Carlier, CEREMADE, Université Paris-Dauphine, A refined Fenchel-Young inequality and applications to optimal transport and convex duality


In this talk, I will first present a very simple quantitative form of the Young-Fenchel inequality.  I will then discuss some applications: a short proof of the Brøndsted-Rockafellar in Hilbert spaces and a primal-dual attainment for perturbed convex minimization problems. I will finally explain how this inequality (or some generalizations) can be used for quantitative…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Marco Antonio López Cerdá, Universidad de Alicante, A survey of the subdifferential of the supremum function. Featured applications


his talk presents various characterizations of the subdifferential of the pointwise supremum of an arbitrary family of convex functions, as well as some featured applications. Starting by the maximum generality framework, we move after to particular contexts in which some continuity and compacity assumptions are either imposed or inforced via processes of compactification of the…