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Jonathan Zhu, Princeton, Waists, widths and symplectic embeddings


Waists and widths measure the size of a manifold with respect to measures of families of submanifolds. We’ll discuss related area estimates for minimal submanifolds, as well as applications to quantitative symplectic camels. Zoom invitation is sent to the geometry and topology seminar list. If you are not on the list, please, contact Peter McGrath…

Mikhail Karphukin, Caltech, Eigenvalues of the Laplacian and min-max for the energy functional

SAS 4201

The Laplacian is a canonical second order elliptic operator defined on any Riemannian manifold. The study of optimal upper bounds for its eigenvalues is a classical problem of spectral geometry going back to J. Hersch, P. Li and S.-T. Yau. It turns out that the optimal isoperimetric inequalities for Laplacian eigenvalues are closely related to…

Daniel Stern, University of Chicago, Steklov Eigenvalues on Surfaces

SAS 4201

As described in the previous week's talk by Mikhail Karpukhin, there is a rich interplay between isoperimetric problems for Laplace eigenvalues on surfaces and the study of harmonic maps and minimal surfaces in spheres. Over the last 10-15 years, a program initiated by Fraser and Schoen has revealed a similar relationship between isoperimetric problems for the…

Albert Chern, UCSD, Geometric approaches to infinite domain problems


Numerical simulations on infinite domains are challenging. In this talk, we will take geometric approaches to analyze the problems and provide new solutions.  One problem we tackle is the perfectly matched layer (PML) problem for computational waves on infinite domains. PML is a theoretical wave-absorbing medium attached to the truncated domain that generates no reflection…

Geometry and Topology Seminar: Joonas Ilmavirta, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, Inverse problems with neutrinos


Neutrinos are very weakly interacting particles that have unique properties that allow indirect measurements that cannot be realized with any other particle or field. I will give an introduction to neutrino physics and describe two inverse problems with neutrinos. This is based on joint work with Gunther Uhlmann. Meeting ID: 949 5557 4178 Passcode: 301451

Geometry and Topology Seminar: Yaoye Hong, NC State, ECE Department, Programmable morphologies of kirigami sheets and applications.

SAS 4201

Shape-shifting materials from 2D thin sheets to 3D shapes are attractive for broad applications in programmable machines and robots, functional biomedical devices, and four-dimensional printing. Kirigami, the art of paper cutting, has recently emerged as a promising approach for shape morphing structures and materials due to its new properties such as auxeticity, stretchability, conformability, multistability, and optical chirality. In this talk,…

Geometry and Topology Seminar: Ian Zemke, Princeton, Bordered aspects of the Heegaard Floer surgery formulas


In this talk, we will discuss bordered aspects of the Heegaard Floer surgery formulas of  Ozsvath--Szabo and Ozsvath--Manolescu. In particular, we will explain how their theories naturally define bordered invariants for manifolds with toroidal boundary components. Time permitting, we will discuss applications of the theory. One application is a proof of the equivalence of lattice…

Geometry and Topology Seminar: Jiahua Zou, Brown University, Free boundary minimal surfaces in the Euclidean three-ball close to boundary

SAS 4201

I will talk about the new construction of genus-zero free boundary minimal surfaces embedded in the unit ball in the Euclidean three-space which are compact and lie arbitrarily close to the boundary unit sphere with an arbitrarily large number of connected boundary components. The construction is by PDE gluing methods and the surfaces are desingularizations…

Geometry and Topology Seminar: Joey Zou, Northwestern, Microlocal Methods for The Elastic Travel Time Tomography Problem for Transversely Isotropic Media


I will discuss the travel time tomography problem for elastic media in the transversely isotropic setting. The mathematical study of this problem relates to X-ray tomography and boundary rigidity problems studied by de Hoop, Stefanov, Uhlmann, Vasy, et al., which reduce the inverse problems to the microlocal analysis of certain operators obtained from a pseudolinearization…

Geometry and Topology Seminar: Ali Feizmohammadi, University of Toronto, Lorentzian Calderón problem under curvature bounds


We introduce a method of solving inverse boundary value problems for wave equations on Lorentzian manifolds, and show that zeroth order coefficients can be recovered under certain curvature bounds. The set of Lorentzian metrics satisfying the curvature bounds has a non-empty interior in the sense of smooth, compactly supported perturbations of the metric, whereas all…

Geometry and Topology Seminar: Giada Franz, MIT, Construction and properties of free boundary minimal surfaces

SAS 4201

A free boundary minimal surface (FBMS) in a given three-dimensional Riemannian manifold is a critical point of the area functional with respect to variations that constrain its boundary to the boundary of the ambient manifold. We will talk about the existence of FBMS, with particular emphasis on an equivariant min-max method and on the computation…

Geometry and Topology Seminar: Kai Xu, Duke, Isoperimetric inequalities on closed surfaces

SAS 4201

Let Σ be a closed surface (i.e. a 2-dimensional Riemannian manifold) satisfying the following condition: the first eigenvalue of the elliptic operator -Δ+βK is nonnegative, where K is the Gauss curvature and β is a positive constant . This condition was mainly motivated by the studies of positive scalar curvature in dimension three, and soon…

Geometry and Topology Seminar: Vladimir Medvedev, National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, On the Morse index of the critical Moebius band


In this talk I will show that the Morse index of the critical Moebius band in the 4-dimensional Euclidean ball equals 5. This result makes use of the quartic Hopf differential technique and a comparison theorem between the index of a free boundary minimal surface in the Euclidean ball and its spectral index. The latter also enables us to reprove…

Geometry and Topology Seminar: Alec Payne, Duke University, The Structure of Shrinking Solutions to G2-Laplacian Flow

SAS 4201

In this talk, we will survey G2-structures, which are cross product structures on 7-manifolds, and we will discuss recent developments on a natural geometric flow of G2-structures called Laplacian flow. The Laplacian flow was introduced by Robert Bryant as a tool to explore the geometry of G2-structures on 7-manifolds and to construct examples of G2-holonomy…

Geometry and Topology Seminar: Dilara Siraeva, Fulbright Scholar, NCSU, Symmetry reduction of a gas dynamic system of PDEs with a special state function

SAS 4201

In this talk, I will present new results on the symmetry reduction of gas dynamic systems of PDEs following the general framework presented by  Lev Ovsyannikov in his article  "The “podmodeli” program. Gas dynamics" The gas dynamics systems of equations, with an arbitrary state equation, has an 11-dimensional Lie algebra of symmetries which generates a group…

Geometry Topology Seminar: Jacek Brodzki, University of Southampton, England, Topological Learning and disorder in structured nano materials

SAS 4201

Disorder is a fact of life, and controlling it on the nanoscale is complex, expensive, and of limited use. On the other hand, disordered materials do offer a range of possible applications if we know how to identify their useful features. To this end, we propose an approach through Topological Learning  to quantify disorder and…

Geometry and Topology Seminar: Joonas Ilmavirta, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, Geophysics and algebraic geometry

SAS 4201

Many areas of interest within the Earth are anisotropic, meaning that the speed of sound is different in different directions. It turns out that pressure waves are far better behaved than shear waves, but fortunately the different polarizations are coupled together through algebraic geometry. I will explain the surprising power of algebraic geometry in the…

Geometry and Topology Seminar:  Igor Zelenko, Texas A&M University, Gromov’s h-principle for corank two distribution of odd rank with maximal first Kronecker index

SAS 3282

The natural question is: do structures satisfying given open relations (called the genuine solutions of the differential relation) exist on a given manifold? Replacing all derivatives appearing in a differential relation by the additional independent variables one obtains an open subset of the corresponding jet bundle. A formal solution of the differential relation is a…

Geometry and Topology Seminar: Arunima Bhattacharya, UNC Chapel Hill, Lagrangian Mean Curvature Equations

SAS 1216

In this talk, we will introduce the special Lagrangian and Lagrangian mean curvature type equations. We will derive a priori interior estimates for the Lagrangian mean curvature equation under certain natural restrictions on the Lagrangian angle. As an application, we will use these estimates to solve the Dirichlet problem for the Lagrangian mean curvature equation with continuous boundary data…