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Dmitry Vagner, Duke University, “A smooth TQFT approach to sln homology”

SAS 4201

Given a link diagram L, one can apply a Skein relation to each crossing to yield a cube of resolutions. These skein relations come from the braiding in the category of Uq(sln) representations. When n2, we have the Khovanov cube of resolutions with edge maps defined by (co)pants conordisms. We may then apply a smooth…

Vladimir Baranovsky, UC Irvine, “Factorization homology and graph homology”

SAS 4201

We give a brief overview of factorization homology theory due to Ayala, Francis and Tanaka and explain how it leads to a (still mostly conjectural) generalization of graph homology to homotopy commutative algebras, and an efficient computation of knot invariants coming from factorization homology (at least for alternating links).

Daniel Scofield, NC State, Patterns in Khovanov homology

SAS 4201

Khovanov homology is a recent link invariant that lifts the Jones polynomial. We analyze torsion in Khovanov homology by describing a related homology theory that lifts the chromatic polynomial. In particular, we describe torsion in Khovanov homology of several link  families and compute the fourth extreme coefficients of the Jones polynomial for certain links.

Juanita Pinzon-Caicedo, NC Stat, Iterated Whitehead Doubles are Independent

SAS 4201

In the 1980’s Furuta and Fintushel-Stern applied the theory of instantons and Chern-Simons invariants to develop a criterion for a collection of Seifert fibred homology spheres to be independent in the homology cobordism group of oriented homology 3-spheres. These results, together with some 4-dimensional constructions can be used to show that iterated Whitehead doubles of positive…

Tye Lidman, NC State, Band surgeries and lens space surgeries

SAS 4201

Dehn surgery is a fundamental operation in three-manifold topology which turns a knot into a new three-manifold. We characterize Dehn surgeries between certain lens spaces and relate this to an elementary question in knot theory. This is joint work with Allison Moore.

Adam Levine, Duke, Heegaard Floer invariants for homology $S^1 \times S^3$s

SAS 4201

Using Heegaard Floer homology, we construct a numerical invariant for any smooth, oriented 4-manifold X with the homology of $S^1 \times S^3$. Specifically, we show that for any smoothly embedded 3-manifold Y representing a generator of H_3(X), a suitable version of the Heegaard Floer d invariant of Y, defined using twisted coefficients, is a diffeomorphism…

Chris Tralie, Duke University, From Musical Rhythms To Vibrating Vocal Folds: Geometric (Quasi)Periodicity Quantification in Multimedia Time Series

SAS 4201

A large variety of multimedia data inference problems require analysis of repeated structures.  In audio, for instance, the rhythm, or ``pulse'' of the music, occurs in a periodic pattern, and understanding this pattern is an important preprocessing step in music information retrieval.  In medical video analysis, there is interest in determining heart pulse rate in…

Vladimir Baranovsky, UC Irvine, Chromatic graph homology for brace algebras

SAS 4201

Earlier Helme Guizon and Rong have defined chromatic graph homology complex for a graded commutative algebra, and it is easy to extend the definition to graded commutative DG algebra. One of important applications, considered earlier in our joint work with Radmila Sazdanovic, is to the case of an algebra computing cohomology of a manifold, such…

Ziva Myer, Duke, Product Structures for Legendrian Submanifolds with Generating Families

SAS 4201

In contact topology, invariants of Legendrian submanifolds in 1-jet spaces have been obtained through a variety of techniques. I will discuss how I am enriching one Morse-theoretic invariant, Generating Family Cohomology, to an A-infinity algebra by constructing product maps. The construction uses moduli spaces of Morse flow trees: spaces of intersecting gradient trajectories of functions…

Eylem Yildiz, Michigan State University, A note on knot concordance

I will discuss concordances of knots in 3-manifolds. In particular I will show that all the knots in the free homotopy class of $S^1\times pt$ in  $S^1 \times S^2$ are concordant to each other. By Akbulut it turns out that many of these concordances are invertible.

Yakov Berchenko-Kogan, Washington University in St. Louis, Noether’s theorem, Maxwell’s equations, and numerical methods

SAS 4201

Noether's theorem tells us that if a system is invariant under a group of symmetries, then we have quantities that are conserved. For example, if a system is invariant under translation, then momentum is conserved. If a system is invariant under rotation, then angular momentum is conserved. One of the challenges in numerical analysis is to make sure that these…

Deane Yang, New York University, Introduction to Convex Geometry and Brunn-Minkowski Theory

SAS 4201

Convex geometry is the study of convex bodies in Euclidean space. Despite the apparent simplicity of such objects, they are a source of many deep mathematical discoveries and mysteries. This talk will present a survey of Brunn-Minkowski theory, which is the study of affine geometric invariants and inequalities satisfied by convex bodies. Unlike differential geometry,…

Allison Miller, UT Austin, Winding number of satellite operators and concordance

SAS 4201

Historically, the study of the collection of concordance classes of knots has focused on understanding its group structure while devoting relatively little attention to the natural metric induced by the 4-genus. Cochran and Harvey investigated the metric properties of the maps on concordance induced by satellite operators, asking when two patterns P and Q are of bounded distance in their…

Jennifer Hom, Georgia Tech, Heegaard Floer and homology cobordism

SAS 4201

We study applications of Heegaard Floer homology to homology cobordism. In particular, to a homology sphere Y, we associate a module HF_conn(Y), called the connected Heegaard Floer homology of Y, and show that this module is invariant under homology cobordism and isomorphic to a summand of HF_red(Y). The definition of this invariant relies on involutive…