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Jeff Meier, University of Georgia Athens, Filling transverse links with trisected surfaces

SAS 4201

We will describe an adaptation of the theory of trisections to the setting of properly embedded, smooth, compact surfaces in smooth, compact, orientable four-manifolds with boundary.  The main result is that any such surface can be isotoped to lie in bridge trisected position with respect to a given trisection on the ambient four-manifold.  The trisection…

Robin Koytcheff, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Graph complexes, formality, and configuration space integrals for braids

SAS 4201

In joint work with Rafal Komendarczyk and Ismar Volic, we study the space of braids, that is, the loopspace of the configuration space of points in a Euclidean space.  We relate two different integration-based approaches to its cohomology, both encoded by complexes of graphs.  On the one hand, we can restrict configuration space integrals for…

Andrew Cooper, NC State, Simplicial Configuration Spaces and Chromatic Homology

SAS 4201

The configuration space of some $n$ points in a space $X$ is a well-studied object in topology, geometry, and combinatorics. We present a generalization, the simplicial configuration space $M(S,X)$, which takes as its data a simplicial complex $S$ on $n$ points. In this talk, we will describe how $M(S,X)$ gives rise to polynomial and homological invariants of…

Katherine Raoux, Michigan State University, τ-invariants for knots in rational homology spheres

SAS 4201

Using the knot filtration on the Heegaard Floer chain complex, Ozsváth and Szabó defined an invariant of knots in the three sphere called τ(K) and showed that it is a lower bound for the 4-ball genus. Generalizing their construction, I will show that for a (not necessarily null-homologous) knot, K, in a rational homology sphere, Y, we obtain…

Aliakbar Daemi, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Chern-Simons functional and the Homology Cobordism Group

SAS 4201

The set of 3-manifolds with the same homology as the 3-dimensional sphere, modulo an equivalence relation called homology cobordance, forms a group. The additive structure of this group is given by taking connected sum. This group is called the homology cobordism group and plays a special role in low dimensional topology and knot theory. In this talk, I…

Tye Lidman, NC State, Spineless 4-manifolds

We construct smooth compact 4-manifolds homotopy equivalent to S^2 which do not contain nicely embedded spheres realizing the homotopy equivalence.

Curtis Porter, NC State, Spinning Black Holes and CR 3-Folds

Some physically significant solutions to Einstein's field equations are spacetimes which are foliated by a family of curves called a shear-free null geodesic congruence (SFNGC). Examples include models of gravitational waves that were recently detected, and rotating black holes. The properties of a SFNGC induce a CR structure on the 3-dimensional leaf space of the…

Alex Chandler, NC State, Thin Posets and Homology Theories

Inspired by Bar-Natan's description of Khovanov homology, we discuss thin posets and their capacity to support homology and cohomology theories which categorify rank-statistic generating functions. Additionally, we present two main applications. The first, a categorification of certain generalized Vandermonde determinants gotten from the Bruhat order on the symmetric group by applying a special TQFT to…

Alex Zupan, University of Nebraska, A special case of the Smooth 4-dimensional Poincare Conjecture

The smooth version of the 4-dimensional Poincare Conjecture (S4PC) states that every homotopy 4-sphere is diffeomorphic to the standard 4-sphere.  One way to attack the S4PC is to examine a restricted class of 4-manifolds.  For example, Gabai's proof of Property R implies that every homotopy 4-sphere built with one 2-handle and one 3-handle is standard. …

Juanita Pinzon Caicedo, NC State, Four–manifolds and knot concordance

SAS 4201

The main goal of geometric topology is the classification of manifolds within a certain framework (topological, piecewise linear, smooth, simply-connected, symplectic, etc.). Dimension four is special, as it is the only dimension in which a manifold can admit infinitely many non-equivalent smooth structures, and the only dimension in which there exist manifolds homeomorphic but not…

Dustin Leninger, An Introduction to Spectral Sequences

SAS 2201

I will describe a homological algebra construction which is fundamental in algebraic topology, algebraic geometry, and related areas: the spectral sequence. Originally developed by Jean Leray in the 1940s, a spectral sequence is a simultaneous higher-dimensional generalization of homology and long exact sequences. I will discuss a few examples of spectral sequences and their applications.