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Aliakbar Daemi, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Chern-Simons functional and the Homology Cobordism Group

SAS 4201

The set of 3-manifolds with the same homology as the 3-dimensional sphere, modulo an equivalence relation called homology cobordance, forms a group. The additive structure of this group is given by taking connected sum. This group is called the homology cobordism group and plays a special role in low dimensional topology and knot theory. In this talk, I…

Tye Lidman, NC State, Spineless 4-manifolds

We construct smooth compact 4-manifolds homotopy equivalent to S^2 which do not contain nicely embedded spheres realizing the homotopy equivalence.

Curtis Porter, NC State, Spinning Black Holes and CR 3-Folds

Some physically significant solutions to Einstein's field equations are spacetimes which are foliated by a family of curves called a shear-free null geodesic congruence (SFNGC). Examples include models of gravitational waves that were recently detected, and rotating black holes. The properties of a SFNGC induce a CR structure on the 3-dimensional leaf space of the…

Alex Chandler, NC State, Thin Posets and Homology Theories

Inspired by Bar-Natan's description of Khovanov homology, we discuss thin posets and their capacity to support homology and cohomology theories which categorify rank-statistic generating functions. Additionally, we present two main applications. The first, a categorification of certain generalized Vandermonde determinants gotten from the Bruhat order on the symmetric group by applying a special TQFT to…

Alex Zupan, University of Nebraska, A special case of the Smooth 4-dimensional Poincare Conjecture

The smooth version of the 4-dimensional Poincare Conjecture (S4PC) states that every homotopy 4-sphere is diffeomorphic to the standard 4-sphere.  One way to attack the S4PC is to examine a restricted class of 4-manifolds.  For example, Gabai's proof of Property R implies that every homotopy 4-sphere built with one 2-handle and one 3-handle is standard. …

Juanita Pinzon Caicedo, NC State, Four–manifolds and knot concordance

SAS 4201

The main goal of geometric topology is the classification of manifolds within a certain framework (topological, piecewise linear, smooth, simply-connected, symplectic, etc.). Dimension four is special, as it is the only dimension in which a manifold can admit infinitely many non-equivalent smooth structures, and the only dimension in which there exist manifolds homeomorphic but not…

Dustin Leninger, An Introduction to Spectral Sequences

SAS 2201

I will describe a homological algebra construction which is fundamental in algebraic topology, algebraic geometry, and related areas: the spectral sequence. Originally developed by Jean Leray in the 1940s, a spectral sequence is a simultaneous higher-dimensional generalization of homology and long exact sequences. I will discuss a few examples of spectral sequences and their applications.