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Graduate Numerical Analysis Seminar, Khalil Hall-Hooper, Anomaly Detection with Isolation Forests: Using tree-based methods in machine learning to find outliers in data


Determining anomalies in data using classical machine learning techniques typically requires characterizing the notion of what is "normal" or "expected" in the instance space. Upon doing so, one would then utilize this profile to identify points that do not coincide with this description of normal. However, this process tends to be costly computationally, thus limiting…

Christopher Leonard, NC State, Mapping from Low Fidelity to High Fidelity Analysis for Failure Quantities of Interest


Often in large numerical simulations decisions are made to reduce the fidelity of particular features in order to simulate the event duration. One common method is the application of shell formulations instead of 3D continuum, especially for objects with large aspect ratios of extent to thickness. While these reductions allow for longer duration events to…

Tim Reid, Examining Sensitivity Large Computational Problems on Early Termination of CG with Probabilistic Numerics


Many large computational problems depend on solutions to systems of linear equations. One widely used method of solving systems of linear equations is the Conjugate Gradient method (CG). Terminating CG after only a few iterations can save computational resources but can also cause an error in the solution to the system of linear equations, and…

Michael Merritt, NC State, Efficient Global Sensitivity Analysis for Rare Event Simulation


By their very nature, rare event probabilities are expensive to compute; they are also delicate to estimate as their value strongly depends on distributional assumptions on the model parameters. Hence, understanding the sensitivity of the computed rare event probabilities to the hyperparameters that define the distribution law of the model parameters is crucial. We show…

Michael Redle, NC State, Well-Balanced Scheme for the Shallow Water MHD Equations with a New Divergence-Free Treatment of the Magnetic Field


We consider the shallow water magnetohydrodynamic (SWMHD) equations, in which multiscale phenomena appear in geophysics, astrophysics, and energy production applications. However, capturing both large and small scales numerically requires an exact treatment of the physically-observed divergence-free condition of the magnetic field and typically a very fine spatial grid. An alternative to requiring a fine spatial…