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Arvind Saibaba, NC State, “Matrix CUR decomposition”

SAS 2229

CUR decomposition is a low-rank matrix decomposition that is formed using a small number of actual columns and actual rows of the data matrix. Since this decomposition is explicitly constructed using entries from the actual data set, CUR decomposition may be interpretable by practitioners; for this reason, it is sometimes preferable to the Singular Value…

Mansoor Haider, NC State, “Exploiting analytical structure to develop accelerated numerical solutions in continuum modeling of materials”

SAS 2229

In many modeling applications, the analytical structure of fundamental solutions to associated mathematical problems can be exploited to develop more efficient or robust numerical algorithms. I will present several examples of such approaches and techniques based on integral representations arising in the continuum modeling of materials. Some techniques to be discussed include asymptotic analysis, exploiting…

Joey Hart, NC State, SIAM Tutorial Series: Introduction to Monte Carlo Methods

SAS 1218

In this lecture we will present basis theoretical and algorithmic properties of Monte Carlo methods. In particular, their convergence properties and implementational simplicity will be highlighted. There are a variety of Monte Carlo methods but we will focus on two, namely, Monte Carlo integration and Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Prior knowledge of Monte Carlo methods…

Hamid Krim, SIAM Student Chapter Data Science Lecture Series: Convexity, Sparsity, Nullity and all that in Machine Learning

Daniels 322

High dimensional data exhibit distinct properties compared to its low dimensional counterpart; this causes a common performance decrease and a formidable computational cost increase of traditional approaches. Novel methodologies are therefore needed to characterize data in high dimensional spaces. Considering the parsimonious degrees of freedom of high dimensional data compared to its dimensionality, we study…

Missy Gaddy, NC State, SIAM Tutorial Series: Nonlinear Optimization Basics

SAS 1218

This tutorial will provide an introduction to nonlinear optimization. We will begin by presenting a general constrained nonlinear program, defining concepts like local versus global optimality, and examining the differences between convex and nonconvex problems. We will then present the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions. Students who have taken OR 706 (Nonlinear Programming) will find this tutorial…

Tim David, University of Canterbury, SIAM Guest Tutorial: Homogenisation and waves in tissue media

Mann 301

Investigating through mathematical modelling the complex chemistry in cells has grown in the research community over the past ten years. However trying to understand the relationship between cellular (microscale) and larger scale lengths such as the vasculature upstream of the capillary bed has proved a more difficult task. The tutorial (if you want to call…

Kristina Czuchlewski, Sandia National Laboratories, New Horizons in Geospatial Analytics

Park Shops 210

In recent years, Sandia National Laboratories has been accelerating research investments in data science and analytics. This change was motivated by a need for timely decisions about the state of the world in the context of increasingly large and diverse varieties of data. Data-centric challenges often cross discipline boundaries. To address these challenges, our group…

Ryan Vogt, NC State, SIAM Student Chapter Tutorial Series: Introduction to the Finite Element Method

SAS 2235

The Finite Element Method(FEM) is one of many numerical methods to approximate solutions to ordinary and partial differential equations. FEM has been applied to numerous problems found in the fields of Fluid Mechanics, Electromagnetics,  Lagrangian Mechanics, etc. While there are many approaches to the Finite Element Method, I will present the Galerkin approach. I will…

Eric Chi, NC State, SIAM Student Chapter Data Science Lecture Series: Getting Arrays in Order with Convex Fusion Penalties

Daniels 322

In this talk, I will discuss a convex formulation of the clustering problem and its generalization to biclustering of matrices and more broadly to co-clustering of multiway arrays or tensor data. The key advantage in formulating clustering as a convex program is that doing so addresses well-known issues of instability and parameter selection that plague…

Zack Morrow, NC State, SIAM Student Chapter Tutorial Series, Sparse methods for high-dimensional problems

SAS 2235

In full-tensor extensions of 1D interpolation or quadrature rules, the number of nodes will grow exponentially in the dimension—commonly called the “curse of dimensionality.” In this talk, we present an overview of sparse grids, in which the number of nodes grows only polynomially in the dimension. First, we will do an overview of 1D interpolation for…

Shaina Race, NC State, SIAM Student Chapter Data Science Lecture Series: Central Themes: Summarizing Text Using Network Centrality

Mann 216

One of the primary goals of text mining is to group together, organize and summarize textual information. In social network analysis, we typically tie individuals together through social connections — can we connect documents and their contents in a similar fashion?  What can social network analysis tell us about the content of a document or…

Andrew Belmonte, Pennsylvania State University, Careers in Mathematics: Be Nonlinear

1911 Building Room 124

Students are often given the impression that there is one way to have an academic career, the right way. Reality is much more complicated, but this can also be empowering. We will discuss such things informally, while drawing some examples from my own path: from particle physics at Fermilab and CERN to cancer research at…

SIAM info session, discussion, and lunch

Daniels 353

The outgoing student chapter president Joey Hart will give a short presentation overviewing SIAM and the opportunities its provides for graduate student members. A discussion time will follow. Pizza will be served.

Introduction to SIAM

Daniels 341

This will be an informal discussion for graduate students about the opportunities and benefits available through the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).

Ben Randall, NC State, Introduction to local and global sensitivity analysis

Poe Hall 422

Mathematical modeling is a way for researchers to visualize components of a system and analyze how those components interact. When these models become significantly large, many problems arise. Here are a few:    1. As models increasingly complex with a myriad of parts, it is prudent for the researcher to ask whether all of these…

SIAM Student Chapter Industry Series: Steven Hamilton, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, The Department of Energy Exascale Computing Project

This will be the first seminar in the SIAM Industry series, which is focused on presenting information about research opportunities in business, industry, and government jobs. Speakers will discuss their career paths and speak on projects they have worked on at their current industrial institution. The DOE Exascale Computing Project (ECP), a collaborative effort between…