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Konstantina Trivisa, University of Maryland, College Park, On the dynamics of compressible flows: variational solutions, invariant measures, martingale solutions

SAS 4201

In this talk I’ll describe an overview of results on the Navier-Stokes equations for viscous compressible flows both in the deterministic and stochastic frame- work. A contrast will be drawn between the one-dimensional flows and the multidimensional case. In the case of 1d isentropic compressible flow, the existence of invariant mea- sures will be established…

Stochastics Seminar: Erik Bates, NC State, The Busemann process of (1+1)-dimensional directed polymers

SAS 4201

Directed polymers are a statistical mechanics model for random growth.  Their partition functions are solutions to a discrete stochastic heat equation.  This talk will discuss their logarithmic derivatives, which are solutions to a discrete stochastic Burgers equation.  Of interest is the success or failure of the  "one force-one solution principle" for this equation.  I will…

Stochastics Seminar: Evan Sorensen, Columbia University, Jointly invariant measures for the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Equation

SAS 4201

We give an explicit description of the jointly invariant measures for the KPZ equation. These are couplings of Brownian motions with drift, and can be extended to a process defined for all drift parameters simultaneously. We term this process the KPZ horizon (KPZH). As a corollary of this description, we resolve a recent conjecture of…

Stochastics Seminar: Khai Nguyen, NC State, Differential Game Models of Optimal Debt Management

SAS 4201

In this talk, I will present recent results on game theoretical formulation of optimal debt management problems in an infinite time horizon with exponential discount, modeled as a noncooperative interaction between a borrower and a pool of risk-neutral lenders. Here, the yearly income of the borrower is governed by a stochastic process and bankruptcy instantly occurs…