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Undergrads Union Grads Meeting

The UUG program provides free mentoring for undergraduates in the math program here at NC State. We will hold several seminars and panels throughout the semester on subjects such as applying to REUs and applying to graduate schools. We also pair undergrads with graduate student mentors for individual mentoring on classes, research, and other things mathematical.…

Undergrads Union Grads (UUG) Math Grad School Applications Workshop

SAS 2102

UUG is holding a Math Grad School Applications Workshop. We will have a presentation about applying to grad schools in mathematics. We will touch on the topics of personal statements, CVs, transcripts, GREs, letters of recommendation, and more. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session with a faculty panel that have all been…

Math REU Panel

SAS 2102

Research Experience for Undergrad (REU) programs are summer jobs where you get paid to research. Panelists will discuss the application process, math research, where to find listings, and more.

Learning LaTeX Tutorial


Are you an undergraduate that has heard of LaTeX, but don't know how to use it?  This event is for you!  LaTeX is the typesetting software used by the majority of mathematicians (and several other fields) for everything from CV's, to research papers to exams.  If you plan on continuing in academia, it is almost necessary…

“What is an REU?” Presentation and Panel


Are you an undergraduate interested in mathematical research and/or going to grad school?  Doing a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) is an excellent opportunity to try undergraduate research and add to your CV!  UUG is hosting the "What is an REU?" presentation and panel, with panelists including several previous REU attendees and an REU organizer to answer…