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Vladimir Baranovsky (UC Irvine), Integral model for graph configuration spaces


This is a report on the joint work with Matthew Levy. We use surjection operations on integral cochains tof a topological space X (described by McClure-Smith and Berger-Fresse) to describe a complex computing (co)homology of the cartesian power of X with some diagonals removed. Host: Radmila Sazdanovic ZOOM link:

Rekha Thomas, When Two Cameras Meet a Cubic Surface


An important problem in computer vision is to understand the space of  images that can be captured by an arrangement of cameras. A description of this space allows for statistical estimation methods to reconstruct  three-dimensional models of the scene that was imaged. The set of images captured by an arrangement of pinhole cameras is usually…

Jane Coons, Quasi-Independence Models with Rational Maximum Likelihood Estimator


Let X and Y be random variables. Quasi-independence models are log-linear models that describe a situation in which some states of X and Y cannot occur together, but X and Y are otherwise independent. We characterize which quasi-independence models have rational maximum likelihood estimator, or MLE, based on combinatorial features of the bipartite graph associated…

Cris Negron, UNC, Cohomology for Drinfeld doubles of finite group schemes


We consider a finite group scheme G, and its associated representation category rep G.  Here one can think of a finite discrete group, or an infinitesimal group scheme, such as the kernel of the r-th Frobenius map for GL_n over F_p.  Via a standard tensor categorical construction one has Drinfeld's center Z(rep G) of the…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Alexander Reznikov, Florida State University, Discrete minimization problems on non-rectifiable sets


We survey the known results concerning the minimal Riesz energy on sufficiently smooth sets, and present some new results on fractal sets, which are the key examples of non-rectifiable sets. In particular, we will talk about the connection of these problems to ergodic theory and probability theory: the key step in our proofs is applying…

Anusha Krishnan, Syracuse University, Prescribing Ricci curvature on a product of spheres


The Ricci curvature Ric(g) is a symmetric 2-tensor on a Riemannian manifold (M,g) that encodes curvature information. It features in several interesting geometric PDEs such as the Ricci flow and the Einstein equation. The nature of Ric(g) as a differential operator -- nonlinear and degenerate elliptic -- make these equations particularly challenging. Host: Peter McGrath Instructions to join: Zoom…

Tracie Ellis, SIAM Mathematics in Industry Seminar


Zoom link: Passcode: SIAM Abstract: Join Tracie Ellis, Vice President Business Analytics at Bandwidth, for an informal discussion about her team’s role in creating a data-driven culture at Bandwidth, a software/telecommunications company on Centennial Campus. Tracie will share a bit of background about the company, their data evolution and the qualifications and experience of the Analytics…

‪Theresa Anderson, Purdue University, Dyadic analysis (virtually) meets number theory


In this talk we discuss two ways in which dyadic analysis and number theory share a rich interaction. The first involves a complete classification of "distinct dyadic systems". These are sets of grids which allow one to compare any Euclidean ball nicely with any dyadic cube, and allow for showing that a large number of…

Silvia Gazzola, University of Bath, Iterative regularization methods for large-scale linear inverse problems


 Inverse problems are ubiquitous in many areas of Science and Engineering and, once discretized, they lead to ill-conditioned linear systems, often of huge dimensions: regularization consists in replacing the original system by a nearby problem with better numerical properties, in order to find a meaningful approximation of its solution. After briefly surveying some standard regularization…

Joonas Ilmavirta, Tampere University, Finland, The light ray transform


When is a function in the spacetime uniquely determined by its integrals over all light rays? I will introduce the problem, discuss why we might care about it, and how one might go about proving such uniqueness results. Depending on time and audience interest, I can also discuss proofs and tensor tomography.   Organizer: T.…

Victor Magron, LAAS-CNRS, France, The quest of efficiency and certification in polynomial optimization


In 2001, Lasserre introduced a nowadays famous hierarchy of relaxations, called the moment-sums of squares hierarchy, allowing one to obtain a converging sequence of lower bounds for the minimum of a polynomial over a compact semialgebraic set. Each lower bound is computed by solving a semidefinite program (SDP). There are two common drawbacks related to…